Valerie Jill Sydnor
Valerie Jill Sydnor
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
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Neurodevelopment of the association cortices: Patterns, mechanisms, and implications for psychopathology
VJ Sydnor, B Larsen, DS Bassett, A Alexander-Bloch, DA Fair, C Liston, ...
Neuron 109 (18), 2820-2846, 2021
QSIPrep: an integrative platform for preprocessing and reconstructing diffusion MRI data
M Cieslak, PA Cook, X He, FC Yeh, T Dhollander, A Adebimpe, ...
Nature methods 18 (7), 775-778, 2021
Advances in microstructural diffusion neuroimaging for psychiatric disorders
O Pasternak, S Kelly, VJ Sydnor, ME Shenton
Neuroimage 182, 259-282, 2018
Sex‐Related Differences in the Effects of Sports‐Related Concussion: A Review
IK Koerte, V Schultz, VJ Sydnor, DR Howell, JP Guenette, E Dennis, ...
Journal of neuroimaging 30 (4), 387-409, 2020
Intrinsic activity development unfolds along a sensorimotor–association cortical axis in youth
VJ Sydnor, B Larsen, J Seidlitz, A Adebimpe, AF Alexander-Bloch, ...
Nature Neuroscience 26 (4), 638-649, 2023
A meta-analysis of ultra-high field glutamate, glutamine, GABA and glutathione 1HMRS in psychosis: Implications for studies of psychosis risk
VJ Sydnor, DR Roalf
Schizophrenia Research 226, 61-69, 2020
Cortical-subcortical structural connections support transcranial magnetic stimulation engagement of the amygdala
VJ Sydnor, M Cieslak, R Duprat, J Deluisi, MW Flounders, H Long, ...
Science Advances 8 (25), eabn5803, 2022
Hierarchical functional system development supports executive function
AS Keller, VJ Sydnor, A Pines, DA Fair, DS Bassett, TD Satterthwaite
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 27 (2), 160-174, 2023
A developmental reduction of the excitation: inhibition ratio in association cortex during adolescence
B Larsen, Z Cui, A Adebimpe, A Pines, A Alexander-Bloch, M Bertolero, ...
Science advances 8 (5), eabj8750, 2022
A comparison of three fiber tract delineation methods and their impact on white matter analysis
VJ Sydnor, AM Rivas-Grajales, AE Lyall, F Zhang, S Bouix, ...
NeuroImage 178, 318-331, 2018
Dissociable multi-scale patterns of development in personalized brain networks
AR Pines, B Larsen, Z Cui, VJ Sydnor, MA Bertolero, A Adebimpe, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 2647, 2022
Automated versus manual segmentation of brain region volumes in former football players
JP Guenette, RA Stern, Y Tripodis, AS Chua, V Schultz, VJ Sydnor, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 18, 888-896, 2018
A quantitative meta-analysis of brain glutamate metabolites in aging
DR Roalf, VJ Sydnor, M Woods, DA Wolk, JC Scott, R Reddy, PJ Moberg
Neurobiology of Aging 95, 240-249, 2020
Developmental coupling of cerebral blood flow and fMRI fluctuations in youth
EB Baller, AM Valcarcel, A Adebimpe, A Alexander-Bloch, Z Cui, RC Gur, ...
Cell reports 38 (13), 2022
Mild traumatic brain injury impacts associations between limbic system microstructure and post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology
VJ Sydnor, S Bouix, O Pasternak, E Hartl, L Levin-Gleba, B Reid, ...
Neuroimage: clinical 26, 102190, 2020
Linking individual differences in personalized functional network topography to psychopathology in youth
Z Cui, AR Pines, B Larsen, VJ Sydnor, H Li, A Adebimpe, ...
Biological psychiatry 92 (12), 973-983, 2022
Cingulum bundle abnormalities and risk for schizophrenia
J Fitzsimmons, P Rosa, VJ Sydnor, BE Reid, N Makris, JM Goldstein, ...
Schizophrenia research 215, 385-391, 2020
Studying pre-treatment and ketamine-induced changes in white matter microstructure in the context of ketamine’s antidepressant effects
VJ Sydnor, AE Lyall, S Cetin-Karayumak, JC Cheung, JM Felicione, ...
Translational Psychiatry 10 (1), 432, 2020
A critical period plasticity framework for the sensorimotor–association axis of cortical neurodevelopment
B Larsen, VJ Sydnor, AS Keller, BTT Yeo, TD Satterthwaite
Trends in Neurosciences, 2023
Diminished reward responsiveness is associated with lower reward network GluCEST: an ultra-high field glutamate imaging study
VJ Sydnor, B Larsen, C Kohler, AJD Crow, SL Rush, ME Calkins, RC Gur, ...
Molecular psychiatry 26 (6), 2137-2147, 2021
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