Andrew Brooks
Andrew Brooks
Griffith Centre for Coastal Management - Griffith University Gold Coast
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The long-term control of vegetation and woody debris on channel and flood-plain evolution: insights from a paired catchment study in southeastern Australia
AP Brooks, GJ Brierley, RG Millar
Geomorphology 51 (1-3), 7-29, 2003
Geomorphic responses of lower Bega River to catchment disturbance, 1851–1926
AP Brooks, GJ Brierley
Geomorphology 18 (3-4), 291-304, 1997
Experimental reintroduction of woody debris on the Williams River, NSW: geomorphic and ecological responses
AP Brooks, PC Gehrke, JD Jansen, TB Abbe
River Research and Applications 20 (5), 513-536, 2004
Mediated equilibrium: the influence of riparian vegetation and wood on the long‐term evolution and behaviour of a near‐pristine river
AP Brooks, GJ Brierley
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2002
Post‐European changes to the fluvial geomorphology of Bega catchment, Australia: implications for river ecology
GJ Brierley, T Cohen, K Fryirs, A Brooks
Freshwater Biology 41 (4), 839-848, 1999
Alluvial gully erosion: an example from the Mitchell fluvial megafan, Queensland, Australia
AP Brooks, JG Shellberg, J Knight, J Spencer
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2009
Confronting hysteresis: wood based river rehabilitation in highly altered riverine landscapes of south-eastern Australia
AP Brooks, T Howell, TB Abbe, AH Arthington
Geomorphology 79 (3-4), 395-422, 2006
Subsoil erosion dominates the supply of fine sediment to rivers draining into Princess Charlotte Bay, Australia
J Olley, A Brooks, J Spencer, T Pietsch, D Borombovits
Journal of environmental radioactivity 124, 121-129, 2013
Wood in river rehabilitation and management
TB Abbe
The ecology and management of wood in world rivers, 2003
Degradation of the Mitchell River fluvial megafan by alluvial gully erosion increased by post-European land use change, Queensland, Australia
JG Shellberg, J Spencer, AP Brooks, TJ Pietsch
Geomorphology 266, 105-120, 2016
Design guideline for the reintroduction of wood into Australian streams
AP Brooks, T Abbe, T Cohen, N Marsh, S Mika, A Boulton, T Broderick, ...
Land & Water Australia, 2006
Geomorphic, engineering, and ecological considerations when using wood in river restoration
T Abbe, A Brooks
Stream restoration in dynamic fluvial systems: Scientific approaches …, 2011
Spatial variability in the timing, nature and extent of channel response to typical human disturbance along the Upper Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia
J Hoyle, A Brooks, G Brierley, K Fryirs, J Lander
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
Did humid-temperate rivers in the Old and New Worlds respond differently to clearance of riparian vegetation and removal of woody debris?
GJ Brierley, AP Brooks, K Fryirs, MP Taylor
Progress in Physical Geography 29 (1), 27-49, 2005
Framing realistic river rehabilitation targets in light of altered sediment supply and transport relationships: lessons from East Gippsland, Australia
AP Brooks, GJ Brierley
Geomorphology 58 (1-4), 107-123, 2004
Tracking geomorphic recovery in process‐based river management
KA Fryirs, GJ Brierley, F Hancock, TJ Cohen, AP Brooks, I Reinfelds, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (9), 3221-3244, 2018
The role of European disturbance in the metamorphosis of the lower Bega River
A Brooks, G Brierley
River management: the Australasian experience, 221-246, 2000
Physical-scale model designs for engineered log jams in rivers
MS Gallisdorfer, SJ Bennett, JF Atkinson, SM Ghaneeizad, AP Brooks, ...
Journal of Hydro-environment Research 8 (2), 115-128, 2014
Sediment production and yield from an alluvial gully in northern Queensland, Australia
JG Shellberg, AP Brooks, CW Rose
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 (15), 1765-1778, 2013
Scientific Consensus Statement 2017: A synthesis of the science of land-based water quality impacts on the Great Barrier Reef, Chapter 2: Sources of sediment, nutrients …
R Bartley, D Waters, R Turner, F Kroon, S Wilkinson, A Garzon-Garcia, ...
State of Queensland, 2017
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