Prof. Mark Roantree
Prof. Mark Roantree
Professor of Computing
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Benchmarking parametric and machine learning models for genomic prediction of complex traits
CB Azodi, E Bolger, A McCarren, M Roantree, G de Los Campos, SH Shiu
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9 (11), 3691-3702, 2019
Web-based real-time temperature monitoring of shellfish catches using a wireless sensor network
K Crowley, J Frisby, S Murphy, M Roantree, D Diamond
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 122 (2), 222-230, 2005
Research issues in federated database systems: report of EFDBS'97 Workshop
S Conrad, B Eaglestone, W Hasselbring, M Roantree, M Schöhoff, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 26 (4), 54-56, 1997
Reducing dementia risk by targeting modifiable risk factors in mid-life: study protocol for the Innovative Midlife Intervention for Dementia Deterrence (In-MINDD) randomised …
KI Catherine A O’Donnell, Susan Browne, Maria Pierce, Alex McConnachie, Kay ...
Pilot and feasibility studies 1 (1), 1-13, 2015
Voxento 2.0: a prototype voice-controlled interactive search engine for lifelogs
A Alateeq, M Roantree, C Gurrin
Proceedings of the 4th Annual on Lifelog Search Challenge, 65-70, 2021
Physiological profile and activity pattern of minor Gaelic football players
BD Cullen, MT Roantree, AL McCarren, DT Kelly, PL O'Connor, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 31 (7), 1811-1820, 2017
An indexing structure for automatic schema matching
F Duchateau, Z Bellahsene, M Roantree, M Roche
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshop, 485-491, 2007
Querying distributed data in a super-peer based architecture
Z Bellahsène, M Roantree
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 296-305, 2004
The OASIS multidatabase prototype
M Roantree, J Murphy, W Hasselbring
ACM Sigmod Record 28 (1), 97-103, 1999
Wireless temperature logging technology for the fishing industry
K Crowley, J Frisby, S Edwards, S Murphy, M Roantree, D Diamond
SENSORS, 2004 IEEE, 571-574, 2004
Data transformation and query management in personal health sensor networks
M Roantree, J Shi, P Cappellari, MF O’Connor, M Whelan, N Moyna
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35 (4), 1191-1202, 2012
Desirable properties for XML update mechanisms
MF O'Connor, M Roantree
Proceedings of the 2010 EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 1-9, 2010
Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration
M Roantree, JB Kennedy, PJ Barclay
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 13th International Conference …, 2001
A path-oriented rdf index for keyword search query processing
P Cappellari, R De Virgilio, A Maccioni, M Roantree
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 22nd International Conference …, 2011
A heuristic approach to selecting views for materialization
M Roantree, J Liu
Software: Practice and Experience 44 (10), 1157-1179, 2014
Flattening the metamodel for object databases
P Habela, M Roantree, K Subieta
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 6th East European Conference …, 2002
Anomaly detection in agri warehouse construction
A McCarren, S McCarthy, CO Sullivan, M Roantree
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 1-10, 2017
Capturing personal health data from wearable sensors
F Camous, D McCann, M Roantree
2008 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 153-156, 2008
Predicting customer churn for insurance data
M Scriney, D Nie, M Roantree
International conference on big data analytics and knowledge discovery, 256-265, 2020
Engineering federated information systems: report of EEFIS'99 workshop
S Conrad, W Hasselbring, U Hohenstein, RD Kutsche, M Roantree, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 28 (3), 9-11, 1999
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