Venkatakrishna Rao. K
Venkatakrishna Rao. K
Assistant professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kurnool
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CBIM: Community-based Influence Maximization in Multilayer Networks
CR Chowdary
Information Sciences, 2022
CIM: clique-based heuristic for finding influential nodes in multilayer networks
M Katukuri, M Jagarapu
Applied Intelligence 52 (5), 5173-5184, 2022
A study on community detection in multilayer networks
VR Katakamsetty, D Rajani, P Srikanth
Journal of High Speed Networks, 1-13, 2023
Fuzzy Based ICMP-RPL for IOT in enhancing the Performance and Network Life
VKRK P.Srikanth, S.Pallam Shetty
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 12, 2021
ANFIS Based ICMP-RPL for IOT in enhancing the performance and Network Lifetime.
PSP Venkata Krishna Rao K
Design Engineering 2021 (ISSUE 08), 11, 2021
Taguchi Design of Experiments To Identify The Most Significant Factor To Enhance The Performance of RPL Routing Protocol Using Cooja Simulator For IOT Environment
VKRK P.Srikanth, S.Pallam Shetty
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2021
Analysing the impact of ICMP on the performance of RPL Routing Protocol for IoT
P Srikanth, SP Setty, KVK Rao
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