Shangying Wang
Shangying Wang
AI for Synthetic Biology
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Robust, linear correlations between growth rates and β-lactam–mediated lysis rates
AJ Lee, S Wang, HR Meredith, B Zhuang, Z Dai, L You
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (16), 4069-4074, 2018
Massive computational acceleration by using neural networks to emulate mechanism-based biological models
S Wang, K Fan, N Luo, Y Cao, F Wu, C Zhang, KA Heller, L You
Nature communications 10 (1), 4354, 2019
Decoding CAR T cell phenotype using combinatorial signaling motif libraries and machine learning
KG Daniels, S Wang, MS Simic, HK Bhargava, S Capponi, Y Tonai, W Yu, ...
Science 378 (6625), 1194-1200, 2022
Intra-and interpopulation transposition of mobile genetic elements driven by antibiotic selection
Y Yao, R Maddamsetti, A Weiss, Y Ha, T Wang, S Wang, L You
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (5), 555-564, 2022
Modulation of microbial community dynamics by spatial partitioning
F Wu, Y Ha, A Weiss, M Wang, J Letourneau, S Wang, N Luo, S Huang, ...
Nature chemical biology 18 (4), 394-402, 2022
Synthetic pattern formation
N Luo, S Wang, L You
Biochemistry 58 (11), 1478-1483, 2019
Collective colony growth is optimized by branching pattern formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
N Luo, S Wang, J Lu, X Ouyang, L You
Molecular systems biology 17 (4), e10089, 2021
Quantifying negative feedback regulation by micro-RNAs
S Wang, S Raghavachari
Physical biology 8 (5), 055002, 2011
AI-driven prediction of SARS-CoV-2 variant binding trends from atomistic simulations
S Capponi, S Wang, EJ Navarro, S Bianco
The European Physical Journal E 44, 1-17, 2021
Distributed information encoding and decoding using self-organized spatial patterns
J Lu, R Tsoi, N Luo, Y Ha, S Wang, M Kwak, Y Baig, N Moiseyev, S Tian, ...
Patterns 3 (10), 2022
Inferring Conditional Probability Distributions of Noisy Gene Expression from Limited Observations by Deep Learning
S Wang, S Capponi, S Bianco
GEN Biotechnology 1 (6), 504-513, 2022
Quantifying gene regulatory networks
S Wang
Duke University, 2014
AI in Cellular Engineering and Reprogramming
S Capponi, S Wang
Biophysical Journal, 2024
Linking the length scales
S Wang, S Bianco
Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (5), 374-375, 2021
AI-Driven Design of Disease Sensors: Theoretical Foundations
S Bianco, S Capponi, S Wang
Artificial Intelligence Applications In Human Pathology, 287, 2022
AI-Driven prediction of binding trends of SARS-CoV-2 variants from atomistic simulations
S Capponi, S Wang, E Navarro, S Bianco
Biophysical Journal 121 (3), 310a, 2022
Deep-learning-based analysis of combinatorial synthetic T-cell receptor libraries
S Wang, KG Daniels, S Capponi, W Lim, S Bianco
Biophysical Journal 121 (3), 165a, 2022
AI-based analysis of microbial ecological dynamics
S Wang, S Bianco
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, F04. 010, 2022
Machine learning methods to predict binding of SARS-CoV-2
S Capponi, S Wang, S Bianco
AAAI Spring Symposium, 2021
Use deep learning to infer the probability distributions for stochastic processes
S Wang, S Bianco
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, P13. 010, 2021
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