Gina-Maria Pomann
Gina-Maria Pomann
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A two-sample distribution-free test for functional data with application to a diffusion tensor imaging study of multiple sclerosis
GM Pomann, AM Staicu, S Ghosh
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 65 (3 …, 2016
A comparison of risk prediction methods using repeated observations: an application to electronic health records for hemodialysis
BA Goldstein, GM Pomann, WC Winkelmayer, MJ Pencina
Statistics in medicine 36 (17), 2750-2763, 2017
Clinical features and outcomes of patients with sarcoidosis-associated pulmonary hypertension
KS Parikh, T Dahhan, L Nicholl, N Ruopp, GM Pomann, T Fortin, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4061, 2019
The evaluation of three comorbidity indices in predicting postoperative complications and readmissions in pediatric urology
R Jiang, S Wolf, MH Alkazemi, GM Pomann, JT Purves, JS Wiener, ...
Journal of pediatric urology 14 (3), 244. e1-244. e7, 2018
Methods for training collaborative biostatisticians
GM Pomann, LE Boulware, SM Cayetano, M Desai, FT Enders, JA Gallis, ...
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 5 (1), e26, 2021
Acute treatment patterns for lower extremity trauma in the United States: Flaps versus amputation
LR Mundy, T Truong, RL Shammas, MJ Gage, GM Pomann, ...
Journal of reconstructive microsurgery 33 (08), 563-570, 2017
A lag functional linear model for prediction of magnetization transfer ratio in multiple sclerosis lesions
GM Pomann, AM Staicu, EJ Lobaton, AF Mejia, BE Dewey, DS Reich, ...
The annals of applied statistics 10 (4), 2325, 2017
Robustness of change detection algorithms
T Dasu, S Krishnan, GM Pomann
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis X: 10th International Symposium, IDA …, 2011
Learning gaps among statistical competencies for clinical and translational science learners
RA Oster, KL Devick, SW Thurston, JJ Larson, LJ Welty, PJ Nietert, ...
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 5 (1), e12, 2021
Establishing a data science unit in an academic medical center: An illustrative model
M Desai, M Boulos, GM Pomann, GK Steinberg, FM Longo, M Leonard, ...
Academic Medicine 97 (1), 69-75, 2022
Guidance for biostatisticians on their essential contributions to clinical and translational research protocol review
JD Ciolino, C Spino, WT Ambrosius, S Khalatbari, SM Cayetano, ...
Journal of clinical and translational science 5 (1), e161, 2021
Hospital and ED charges for spina bifida care in the United States between 2006 and 2014: Over $2 billion annually.
BM Inouye, R Jiang, MH Alkazemi, HHS Wang, S Wolf, GM Pomann, ...
Disability and health journal 12 (3), 431-436, 2019
Amputation rates in more than 175,000 open tibia fractures in the United States
LR Mundy, T Truong, RL Shammas, D Cunningham, ST Hollenbeck, ...
Orthopedics 44 (1), 48-53, 2021
Nationwide readmission rates following percutaneous nephrolithotomy: does age matter?
AW Johnston, R Jiang, MH Alkazemi, S Wolf, GM Pomann, ME Lipkin, ...
Journal of endourology 33 (9), 704-711, 2019
Two sample hypothesis testing for functional data
GM Pomann, AM Staicu, SK Ghosh
North Carolina State University. Dept. of Statistics, 2013
Partial and radical nephrectomy in children, adolescents, and young adults: Equivalent readmissions and postoperative complications
MH Alkazemi, ZR Dionise, R Jiang, S Wolf, GM Pomann, ET Tracy, ...
Journal of pediatric surgery 54 (11), 2343-2347, 2019
Early impact of the patient protection and affordable care act on delivery of Children’s surgical care
JC Routh, S Wolf, R Tejwani, R Jiang, GM Pomann, BA Goldstein, ...
Clinical pediatrics 58 (4), 453-460, 2019
A comprehensive survey of collaborative biostatistics units in academic health centers
AL Hanlon, AJ Lozano, S Prakash, EB Bezar, WT Ambrosius, G Brock, ...
Stat 11 (1), e521, 2022
First-year weight loss with androgen-deprivation therapy increases risks of prostate cancer progression and prostate cancer-specific mortality: results from SEARCH
K Griffin, I Csizmadi, LE Howard, GM Pomann, WJ Aronson, CJ Kane, ...
Cancer Causes & Control 30 (3), 259-269, 2019
A Model of Cross-Disciplinary Communication for Collaborative Statisticians: Implications for Curriculum Design.
GP Samsa, TW LeBlanc, SC Locke, JD Troy, GM Pomann
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching 7 (2), 1-11, 2018
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