Sat Darshan Khalsa
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Yield-scaled global warming potential from N2O emissions and CH4 oxidation for almond (Prunus dulcis) irrigated with nitrogen fertilizers on arid land
DL Schellenberg (SDS Khalsa), MM Alsina, S Muhammad, CM Stockert, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 155, 7-15, 2012
Minimum tillage of a cover crop lowers net GWP and sequesters soil carbon in a California vineyard
MW Wolff, MM Alsina, CM Stockert, SDS Khalsa, DR Smart
Soil and Tillage Research 175, 244-254, 2018
A review of potassium-rich crop residues used as organic matter amendments in tree crop agroecosystems
EM Andrews, S Kassama, EE Smith, PH Brown, SDS Khalsa
Agriculture 11 (7), 580, 2021
N2O emissions and water management in California perennial crops
DR Smart, MM Alsina, MW Wolff, MG Matiasek, ...
Understanding Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Management, 227-255, 2011
Impact of organic matter amendments on soil and tree water status in a California orchard
HC Lepsch, PH Brown, CA Peterson, ACM Gaudin, SDS Khalsa
Agricultural Water Management 222, 204-212, 2019
Organic matter amendments improve soil fertility in almond orchards of contrasting soil texture
YB Villa, SDS Khalsa, R Ryals, RA Duncan, PH Brown, SC Hart
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 120 (3), 343-361, 2021
Intensive fertilizer use increases orchard N cycling and lowers net global warming potential
SDS Khalsa, DR Smart, S Muhammad, CM Armstrong, BL Sanden, ...
Science of The Total Environment 722, 137889, 2020
Grower analysis of organic matter amendments in California orchards
SDS Khalsa, PH Brown
Journal of Environmental Quality 46 (3), 649-658, 2017
Large single-head broccoli yield as affected by plant density, nitrogen, and cultivar in a plasticulture system
DL Schellenberg (SDS Khalsa), AD Bratsch, Z Shen
HortTechnology 19 (4), 792-795, 2009
A farm systems approach to the adoption of sustainable nitrogen management practices in California
J Rudnick, M Lubell, SDS Khalsa, S Tatge, L Wood, M Sears, PH Brown
Agriculture and Human Values, 1-19, 2021
Organic broccoli production on transition soils: Comparing cover crops, tillage and sidedress N
DL Schellenberg (SDS Khalsa), RD Morse, GE Welbaum
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24 (2), 85-91, 2009
Nutrient dynamics from surface‐applied organic matter amendments on no‐till orchard soil
SDS Khalsa, SC Hart, PH Brown
Soil Use and Management 38, 649– 662, 2022
Soil carbon sequestration in global working lands as a gateway for negative emission technologies
M Almaraz, M Simmonds, FG Boudinot, AV Di Vittorio, N Bingham, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (21), 5988-5998, 2023
Leaf litter C and N cycling from a deciduous permanent crop
SDS Khalsa, CA Almanza, PH Brown, DR Smart
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 62 (3), 271-276, 2016
Almond tree nutrition
S Muhammad, S Saa, SDS Khalsa, S Weinbaum, PH Brown
Almonds: Botany, Production and Uses, 291-320, 2017
Farmer adoption of climate-smart practices is driven by farm characteristics, information sources, and practice benefits and challenges
D Johnson, M Almaraz, J Rudnick, LE Parker, SM Ostoja, SDS Khalsa
Sustainability 15 (10), 8083, 2023
Tree-level almond yield estimation from high resolution aerial imagery with convolutional neural network
M Tang, DL Sadowski, C Peng, SG Vougioukas, B Klever, SDS Khalsa, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 156, 2023
Mandatory information-based policy tools facilitate California farmers’ learning about nitrogen management
L Wood, M Lubell, J Rudnick, SDS Khalsa, M Sears, PH Brown
Land Use Policy 114, 105923, 2022
Understanding nitrogen cycling in an irrigated deciduous permanent crop
SDS Khalsa, PH Brown
Acta Horticultare 1253, 207-212, 2019
Bioavailability of macro and micronutrients across global topsoils: Main drivers and global change impacts
R Ochoa‐Hueso, M Delgado‐Baquerizo, AC Risch, L Ashton, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 37 (6), e2022GB007680, 2023
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