Mohsen Barforooshan
Mohsen Barforooshan
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T–S fuzzy controller design for stabilization of nonlinear networked control systems
S Marouf, RM Esfanjani, A Akbari, M Barforooshan
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 50, 135-141, 2016
The effect of time delay on the average data rate and performance in networked control systems
M Barforooshan, MS Derpich, PA Stavrou, J Østergaard
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (1), 16-31, 2020
Hands-off control for discrete-time linear systems subject to polytopic uncertainties
M Kishida, M Barforooshan, M Nagahara
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (23), 355-360, 2018
Achievable performance of zero-delay variable-rate coding in rate-constrained networked control systems with channel delay
M Barforooshan, J Østergaard, PA Stavrou
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5991-5996, 2017
Interplay Between Transmission Delay, Average Data Rate, and Performance in Output Feedback Control over Digital Communication Channels
M Barforooshan, J Østergaard, MS Derpich
American Control Conference (ACC), 1691-1696, 2017
Sparse packetized predictive control over communication networks with packet dropouts and time delays
M Barforooshan, M Nagahara, J Østergaard
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 8272-8277, 2019
Output feedback stabilization over finite-bandwidth communication channels with signal-to-noise ratio constraint
M Barforooshan, R Mahboobi Esfanjani
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 33 (3), 831-842, 2016
Dynamic Modeling of a Cooling System for Power Electronics via Experimental Investigation
M Barforooshan, JD Bendtsen, AD Nørløv, J Kristoffersen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (21), 37-42, 2021
Stabilization over frequency‐selective channels subject to transmission delay and signal‐to‐noise ratio limitations
M Barforooshan, R Mahboobi Esfanjani
Complexity 21 (S1), 557-565, 2016
Feedback Stabilization Robust Against Communication Constraints for Disturbed Linear Plants via Sparse Packetized Predictive Control
M Barforooshan, J Østergaard, M Nagahara
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (25), 247-252, 2022
Sparse Packetized Predictive Control of Disturbed Plants Over Channels with Data Loss
M Barforooshan, M Nagahara, J Ostergaard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.08681, 2021
Trade-offs Between Performance, Data Rate and Transmission Delay in Networked Control Systems
M Barforooshan
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