Ke Huang (黄科)
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Zitiert von
A review of dynamic recrystallization phenomena in metallic materials
K Huang, RE Logé
Materials & Design 111, 548-574, 2016
The double-edge effect of second-phase particles on the recrystallization behaviour and associated mechanical properties of metallic materials
K Huang, K Marthinsen, Q Zhao, RE Logé
Progress in Materials Science 92, 284-359, 2018
Microstructure evolution of wire-arc additively manufactured 2319 aluminum alloy with interlayer hammering
X Fang, L Zhang, G Chen, K Huang, F Xue, L Wang, J Zhao, B Lu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 800, 140168, 2021
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of 2219 Aluminum Alloys Additively Fabricated by the Cold Metal Transfer Process
X Fang, L Zhang, H Li, C Li, K Huang, B Lu
Materials 11 (5), 812, 2018
Correlations between Microstructure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties in 5183 Aluminium Alloy Fabricated by Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing with Different Arc Modes
X Fang, L Zhang, G Chen, X Dang, K Huang, L Wang, B Lu
Materials 11 (11), 2075, 2018
Additive manufacturing of high performance AZ31 magnesium alloy with full equiaxed grains: Microstructure, mechanical property, and electromechanical corrosion performance
X Fang, J Yang, S Wang, C Wang, K Huang, H Li, B Lu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 300, 117430, 2022
A critical assessment of experimental investigation of dynamic recrystallization of metallic materials
HK Zhang, H Xiao, XW Fang, Q Zhang, RE Logé, K Huang
Materials & Design 193, 108873, 2020
A two-site mean field model of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization
P Bernard, S Bag, K Huang, RE Logé
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (24), 7357-7367, 2011
Controlling grain structure and texture in Al-Mn from the competition between precipitation and recrystallization
K Huang, K Zhang, K Marthinsen, RE Logé
Acta Materialia 141, 360-373, 2017
Laser shock peening: A promising tool for tailoring metallic microstructures in selective laser melting
N Kalentics, K Huang, MOV de Seijas, A Burn, V Romano, RE Logé
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 266, 612-618, 2019
Graphene reinforced nickel-based superalloy composites fabricated by additive manufacturing
Z Chen, P Wei, S Zhang, B Lu, L Zhang, X Yang, K Huang, Y Huang, X Li, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 769, 138484, 2020
Zener Pinning
K Huang, RE Logé
Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, 1-8, 2016
A mean field model of dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization predicting kinetics, grain size and flow stress
O Beltran, K Huang, RE Logé
Computational Materials Science 102, 293-303, 2015
Effect of heterogeneously distributed pre-existing dispersoids on the recrystallization behavior of a cold-rolled Al–Mn–Fe–Si alloy
K Huang, YJ Li, K Marthinsen
Materials Characterization 102, 92-97, 2015
Wire and arc additive manufacturing of dissimilar 2319 and 5B06 aluminum alloys
T Chang, X Fang, G Liu, H Zhang, K Huang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 124, 65-75, 2022
Enhanced comprehensive properties of directed energy deposited Inconel 718 by a novel integrated deposition strategy
N Xi, K Tang, X Fang, Y Li, Y Duan, K Huang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 141, 42-55, 2023
The influence of microchemistry on the softening behaviour of two cold-rolled Al–Mn–Fe–Si alloys
K Huang, N Wang, Y Li, K Marthinsen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 601, 86-96, 2014
Evolution in microstructure and properties during non-isothermal annealing of a cold-rolled Al–Mn–Fe–Si alloy with different microchemistry states
K Huang, O Engler, YJ Li, K Marthinsen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 628, 216-229, 2015
Gradient microstructure and prominent performance of wire-arc directed energy deposited magnesium alloy via laser shock peening
X Li, X Fang, M Zhang, H Zhang, Y Duan, K Huang
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 188, 104029, 2023
Improved tensile strength and fatigue properties of wire-arc additively manufactured 2319 aluminum alloy by surface laser shock peening
Y Jing, X Fang, N Xi, T Chang, Y Duan, K Huang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 864, 144599, 2023
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