Alexandra Vázquez
Alexandra Vázquez
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Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
On the nature of identity fusion: insights into the construct and a new measure.
A Gómez, ML Brooks, MD Buhrmester, A Vázquez, J Jetten, WB Swann Jr
Journal of personality and social psychology 100 (5), 918, 2011
What makes a group worth dying for? Identity fusion fosters perception of familial ties, promoting self-sacrifice.
WB Swann Jr, MD Buhrmester, A Gómez, J Jetten, B Bastian, A Vázquez, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (6), 912, 2014
Rejected and excluded forevermore, but even more devoted: Irrevocable ostracism intensifies loyalty to the group among identity-fused persons
Á Gómez, JF Morales, S Hart, A Vázquez, WB Swann Jr
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (12), 1574-1586, 2011
The devoted actor’s will to fight and the spiritual dimension of human conflict
Á Gómez, L López-Rodríguez, H Sheikh, J Ginges, L Wilson, H Waziri, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (9), 673-679, 2017
Contemplating the ultimate sacrifice: identity fusion channels pro-group affect, cognition, and moral decision making.
WB Swann Jr, Á Gómez, MD Buhrmester, L López-Rodríguez, J Jiménez, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (5), 713, 2014
The dynamic identity fusion index: A new continuous measure of identity fusion for web-based questionnaires
J Jimenez, A Gomez, MD Buhrmester, A Vázquez, H Whitehouse, ...
Social Science Computer Review 34 (2), 215-228, 2016
Politicization of COVID-19 health-protective behaviors in the United States: Longitudinal and cross-national evidence
W Stroebe, MR Vandellen, G Abakoumkin, EP Lemay Jr, WM Schiavone, ...
PloS one 16 (10), e0256740, 2021
Recent advances, misconceptions, untested assumptions, and future research agenda for identity fusion theory
A Gómez, J Chinchilla, A Vázquez, L López‐Rodríguez, B Paredes, ...
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 14 (6), e12531, 2020
The power of ‘feeling one’with a group: identity fusion and extreme pro-group behaviours/El poder de ‘sentirse uno’con un grupo: fusión de la identidad y conductas progrupales …
Á Gómez, A Vázquez
International Journal of Social Psychology 30 (3), 481-511, 2015
Sharing genes fosters identity fusion and altruism
A Vázquez, Á Gómez, JR Ordońana, WB Swann, H Whitehouse
Self and Identity 16 (6), 684-702, 2017
Intergenerational conflicts of interest and prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Jin, D Balliet, A Romano, G Spadaro, CJ Van Lissa, M Agostini, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 171, 110535, 2021
Morir y matar por un grupo o unos valores. Estrategias para evitar, reducir y/o erradicar el comportamiento grupal extremista
Á Gómez, L López-Rodríguez, A Vázquez, B Paredes, M Martínez
Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 26 (1), 122-129, 2016
Winning at any cost: Identity fusion, group essence, and maximizing ingroup advantage
MD Buhrmester, M Newson, A Vázquez, WT Hattori, H Whitehouse
Self and Identity 17 (5), 500-516, 2018
Identity fusion predicts endorsement of pro‐group behaviours targeting nationality, religion, or football in Brazilian samples
T Bortolini, M Newson, JC Natividade, A Vázquez, Á Gómez
British Journal of Social Psychology 57 (2), 346-366, 2018
Readiness to deny group’s wrongdoing and willingness to fight for its members: The role of poles’ identity fusion with the country and religious group
T Besta, Á Gómez, A Vázquez
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 2 (1), 49-55, 2014
Fusion with the cross-gender group predicts genital sex reassignment surgery
WB Swann, Á Gómez, A Vázquez, A Guillamón, S Segovia, B Carillo
Archives of sexual behavior 44, 1313-1318, 2015
Why people abandon groups: Degrading relational vs collective ties uniquely impacts identity fusion and identification
Á Gómez, A Vázquez, L López-Rodríguez, S Talaifar, M Martínez, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 85, 103853, 2019
Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries
MJ Brandt, T Kuppens, R Spears, L Andrighetto, F Autin, P Babincak, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (5), 921-942, 2020
Intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19: The role of prosociality and conspiracy beliefs across 20 countries
V Enea, N Eisenbeck, DF Carreno, KM Douglas, RM Sutton, M Agostini, ...
Health communication 38 (8), 1530-1539, 2023
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