Gilberto Gutiérrez
Gilberto Gutiérrez
Computer Science, Universidad del Bío-Bío
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A spatio-temporal access method based on snapshots and events
GA Gutiérrez, G Navarro, A Rodríguez, A González, J Orellana
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic …, 2005
Efficient processing of raster and vector data
F Silva-Coira, JR Paramá, S Ladra, JR López, G Gutiérrez
Plos one 15 (1), e0226943, 2020
Efficiently querying vector and raster data
NR Brisaboa, G Bernardo, G Gutiérrez, MR Luaces, JR Paramá
The Computer Journal 60 (9), 1395-1413, 2017
Un nuevo índice métrico-temporal: el historical FHQT
A De Battista, A Pascal, GA Gutiérrez Retamal
XIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación, 2007
Finding the largest empty rectangle containing only a query point in large multidimensional databases
G Gutiérrez, JR Paramá
International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management …, 2012
Métodos de acceso y procesamiento de consultas espacio-temporales
GA Gutiérrez Retamal
Universidad de Chile, 2007
Procesamiento de consultas métrico-temporales
A Pascal, GG De Battista, N Herrera
XXIII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática, 133-144, 2007
Improved queryable representations of rasters
A Pinto, D Seco, G Gutiérrez
2017 Data Compression Conference (DCC), 320-329, 2017
The k closest pairs in spatial databases: When only one set is indexed
G Gutiérrez, P Sáez
GeoInformatica 17 (4), 543-565, 2013
Set operations over compressed binary relations
C Quijada-Fuentes, MR Penabad, S Ladra, G Gutiérrez
Information Systems 80, 76-90, 2019
Metric-temporal access methods
A De Battista, NE Herrera, GA Gutiérrez Retamal, A Pascal
Journal of Computer Science & Technology 10, 2010
Efficient set operations over k2-trees
NR Brisaboa, G De Bernardo, G Gutiérrez, S Ladra, MR Penabad, ...
2015 Data Compression Conference, 373-382, 2015
Indice metrico-temporal event-fhqt
A Pascal, A De Battista, G Gutierrez, N Herrera
Actas del XIIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación, 2008
A compact representation of raster time series
N Cruces, D Seco, G Guitérrez
2019 Data Compression Conference (DCC), 103-111, 2019
The largest empty rectangle containing only a query object in Spatial Databases
G Gutiérrez, JR Paramá, N Brisaboa, A Corral
GeoInformatica 18 (2), 193-228, 2014
Compact data structures to represent and query data warehouses into main memory
C Vallejos, M Caniupan, G Gutierrez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (9), 2328-2335, 2018
Una propuesta de un método de acceso espacio-temporal: I+ 3 R-Tree
FD Carrasco, EO Gagliardi, JC García Sosa, G Gutierrez
Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación, 2006
Búsqueda en bases de datos métricas-temporales
A De Battista, GA Gutiérrez Retamal, NE Herrera
VIII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación, 2006
K2-treaps to represent and query data warehouses into main memory
C Vallejos, M Caniupán, G Gutiérrez
2017 36th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2017
Efficient computation of the convex hull on sets of points stored in a k-tree compact data structure
JF Castro, M Romero, G Gutiérrez, M Caniupán, C Quijada-Fuentes
Knowledge and Information Systems 62 (10), 4091-4111, 2020
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