Brian P. Bernard
Brian P. Bernard
Schreiner University
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Experimental investigation of bifurcation induced bandgap reconfiguration
BP Bernard, MJ Mazzoleni, N Garraud, DP Arnold, BP Mann
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (8), 2014
Snap-through twinkling energy generation through frequency up-conversion
SR Panigrahi, BP Bernard, BF Feeny, BP Mann, AR Diaz
Journal of Sound and Vibration 399, 216-227, 2017
Uncertainty propagation in the band gap structure of a 1D array of magnetically coupled oscillators
BP Bernard, BAM Owens, BP Mann
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 135 (4), 041005, 2013
Increasing viability of nonlinear energy harvesters by adding an excited dynamic magnifier
BP Bernard, BP Mann
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 29 (6), 1196-1205, 2018
Passive band-gap reconfiguration born from bifurcation asymmetry
BP Bernard, BP Mann
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (5 …, 2013
Faculty and student feedback of synchronous distance education in a multi-university learning consortium
BP Bernard, R Cao, MR RodrÕguez
2018 Gulf Southwest Section Conference, 2019
A geometric transversals approach to analyzing track coverage of omnidirectional sensor networks for maneuvering targets
B Bernard, S Ferrari
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1243-1249, 2010
Intentional nonlinearity in energy harvesting systems
BP Mann, SC Stanton, BP Bernard
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applications in Nonlinear …, 2019
Using Photogrammetry to create a Virtual Campus Tour for the HTC Vive
JP Collier III, JW Lewis, BP Bernard
Theoretical and experimental analysis of bifurcation induced passive bandgap reconfiguration
MJ Mazzoleni, BP Bernard, N Garraud, DP Arnold, BP Mann
Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, A Conference and …, 2016
Using the mass ratio to induce band gaps in a 1d array of nonlinearly coupled oscillators
BP Bernard, JW Peyser, BP Mann, DP Arnold
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2012
An Improved Magnetically Bistable Piezoelectric Energy Harvester
C Fulton, BP Bernard, BP Mann
ASEE 2021 Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, 2021
Reversible Passive Bandgap Reconfiguration Using an Excitation Dependent On-Site Restoring Force
BP Bernard, K Arvidsson
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2015
Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Systems of Coupled Oscillators
BP Bernard
Duke University, 2014
Energy Absorption in a 1D Array of Axially Aligned Pendulums With Linear Torsional Coupling
BP Bernard, JE Greenstein, BP Mann
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 56437 …, 2013
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