Tobias Sikosek
Tobias Sikosek
Hummingbird Diagnostics GmbH
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Biophysics of protein evolution and evolutionary protein biophysics
T Sikosek, HS Chan
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11 (100), 20140419, 2014
Co-variation between seed dormancy, growth rate and flowering time changes with latitude in Arabidopsis thaliana
M Debieu, C Tang, B Stich, T Sikosek, S Effgen, E Josephs, J Schmitt, ...
PLoS One 8 (5), e61075, 2013
How do new proteins arise?
E Bornberg-Bauer, AK Huylmans, T Sikosek
Current opinion in structural biology 20 (3), 390-396, 2010
Escape from adaptive conflict follows from weak functional trade-offs and mutational robustness
T Sikosek, HS Chan, E Bornberg-Bauer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (37), 14888-14893, 2012
A blood-based miRNA signature with prognostic value for overall survival in advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer treated with immunotherapy
T Rajakumar, R Horos, J Jehn, J Schenz, T Muley, O Pelea, S Hofmann, ...
NPJ Precision Oncology 6 (1), 19, 2022
Evolutionary dynamics on protein bi-stability landscapes can potentially resolve adaptive conflicts
T Sikosek, E Bornberg-Bauer, HS Chan
PLoS Computational Biology 8 (9), e1002659, 2012
Theoretical Insights into the Biophysics of Protein Bi-stability and Evolutionary Switches
T Sikosek, H Krobath, HS Chan
PLoS Computational Biology 12 (6), e1004960, 2016
Computational Methods in Protein Evolution
T Sikosek
Early detection of lung cancer using small RNAs
T Sikosek, R Horos, F Trudzinski, J Jehn, M Frank, T Rajakumar, LV Klotz, ...
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 18 (11), 1504-1523, 2023
Brief Report: A blood-based miRNA complementary diagnostic predicts immunotherapy efficacy in advanced stage NSCLC with PD-L1 TPS≥ 50%
T Rajakumar, R Horos, P Kittner, M Kahraman, T Sikosek, F Hinkfoth, ...
JTO Clinical and Research Reports, 2022
Biophysics of protein evolution and evolutionary protein biophysics. JR Soc Interface 11: 20140419
T Sikosek, HS Chan
First published on, doi 10, 2014
Evolution after and before gene duplication
T Sikosek, E Bornberg-Bauer
Evolution After Gene Duplication, 105-132, 2010
miR-Blood–a small RNA atlas of human blood components
J Jehn, F Trudzinski, R Horos, J Schenz, F Uhle, MA Weigand, M Frank, ...
Scientific Data 11 (1), 164, 2024
Protein structure featurization via standard image classification neural networks
T Sikosek
Correction to ‘Biophysics of protein evolution and evolutionary protein biophysics’
T Sikosek, HS Chan
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (112), 20150915, 2015
TransfoRNA: Navigating the Uncertainties of Small RNA Annotation with an Adaptive Machine Learning Strategy
Y Taha, J Jehn, M Kahraman, M Frank, M Heuvelman, R Horos, C Yau, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.06. 19.599329, 2024
Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease using microRNAs
M Heuvelman, R Horos, T Sikosek, K Tikk, T Rajakumar, JL Cummings, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 19, e077745, 2023
B-375 Mer-idpcr: A Method for Sequence-specific Measurement of Small RNA Expression and Methylation in Liquid Biopsies
R Horos, A Daniel-Moreno, C Bieg-Salazar, J Skottke, J Ceiler, ...
Clinical Chemistry 69 (Supplement_1), hvad097. 684, 2023
Early detection of lung cancer using small RNAs.
A Sharma, T Sikosek, R Horos, T Rajakumar, K Tikk, C Schumann, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 41 (16_suppl), 3035-3035, 2023
Adapting drug discovery to Artificial Intelligence
AS Lakdawala, G Okafo, J Baldoni, M Palovich, T Sikosek, V Sahni
Drug Target Review, 2018
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