Maria Tortorella
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
A literature review of Business/IT Alignment Strategies
L Aversano, C Grasso, M Tortorella
Procedia Technology 5, 462-474, 2012
Managing the alignment between business processes and software systems
L Aversano, C Grasso, M Tortorella
Information and software Technology 72, 171-188, 2016
Quality evaluation of floss projects: Application to ERP systems
L Aversano, M Tortorella
Information and Software Technology 55 (7), 1260-1276, 2013
A framework for measuring business processes based on GQM
L Aversano, T Bodhuin, G Canfora, M Tortorella
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
Migrating COBOL systems to the Web by using the MVC design pattern
T Bodhuin, E Guardabascio, M Tortorella
Ninth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2002. Proceedings., 329-338, 2002
A literature review of Business/IT alignment strategies
L Aversano, C Grasso, M Tortorella
Enterprise Information Systems: 14th International Conference, ICEIS 2012 …, 2013
Assessment and impact analysis for aligning business processes and software systems
L Aversano, T Bodhuin, M Tortorella
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1338-1343, 2005
Impact analysis for supporting the co-evolution of business processes and supporting software systems.
T Bodhuin, R Esposito, C Pacelli, M Tortorella
CAiSE Workshops (2), 146-150, 2004
A precise method for identifying reusable abstract data types in code
Canfora, Cimitile, Tortorella, Munro
Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Software Maintenance, 404-413, 1994
A workbench for program comprehension during software maintenance
G Canfora, L Mancini, M Tortorella
WPC'96. 4th Workshop on Program Comprehension, 30-39, 1996
Hiding complexity and heterogeneity of the physical world in smart living environments
T Bodhuin, G Canfora, R Preziosi, M Tortorella
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1921-1927, 2006
An assessment strategy for identifying legacy system evolution requirements in eBusiness context
L Aversano, M Tortorella
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 16 (4‐5 …, 2004
Experiments in identifying reusable abstract data types in program code
G Canfora, A Cimitile, M Munro, M Tortorella
[1993] IEEE Second Workshop on Program Comprehension, 36-45, 1993
Program comprehension through the identification of abstract data types
A Cimitile, M Tortorella, M Munro
Proceedings 1994 IEEE 3rd Workshop on Program Comprehension-WPC'94, 12-19, 1994
Measuring the alignment between business processes and software systems: A case study
L Aversano, C Grasso, M Tortorella
Proceedings of the 2010 acm symposium on applied computing, 2330-2336, 2010
Evaluating architecture stability of software projects
L Aversano, M Molfetta, M Tortorella
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 417-424, 2013
Supporting decisions on the adoption of re-engineering technologies
L Aversano, R Esposito, T Mallardo, M Tortorella
Eighth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2004 …, 2004
Analysis of the documentation of ERP software projects
L Aversano, D Guardabascio, M Tortorella
Procedia computer science 121, 423-430, 2017
REP-chaRacterising and Exploiting Process components: results of experimentation
P Fusaro, M Tortorella, G Visaggio
Proceedings Fifth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (Cat. No …, 1998
Towards reengineering in reuse reengineering processes
G Canfora, AR Fasolino, M Tortorella
Proceedings of International Conference on Software Maintenance, 147-156, 1995
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