Zitiert von
Zitiert von
A methodology for developing adaptive educational-game environments
RM Carro, AM Breda, G Castillo, AL Bajuelos
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: Second International …, 2002
Generating random orthogonal polygons
AP Tomás, AL Bajuelos
Conference on Technology Transfer, 364-373, 2003
Generación de juegos educativos adaptativos
RM Carro, AM Breda, G Castillo, AL Bajuelos
III Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador, 1664-171, 2002
Quadratic-time linear-space algorithms for generating orthogonal polygons with a given number of vertices
AP Tomás, AL Bajuelos
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 117-126, 2004
Approximation algorithms to minimum vertex cover problems on polygons and terrains
AP Tomás, AL Bajuelos, F Marques
International Conference on Computational Science, 869-878, 2003
Partitioning orthogonal polygons by extension of all edges incident to reflex vertices: lower and upper bounds on the number of pieces
AL Bajuelos, AP Tomás, F Marques
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2004: International …, 2004
On Visibility Problems in the Plane--Solving Minimum Vertex Guard Problems by Successive Approximations.
AP Tomás, AL Bajuelos, F Marques
AI&M, 2006
Good illumination with limited visibility
M Abellanas, A Bajuelos, G Hernández, I Matos
Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and …, 2005
Optimizing the minimum vertex guard set on simple polygons via a genetic algorithm
AL Bajuelos Domínguez, S Canales Cano, G Hernández Peñalver, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 5 (11), 1584-1596, 2008
A Hybrid Metaheuristic Strategy for Covering with Wireless Devices.
AL Bajuelos, S Canales, G Hernández-Penalver, AM Martins
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 18 (14), 1906-1932, 2012
2-Covered paths by a set of antennas with minimum power transmission range
M Abellanas, AL Bajuelos, I Matos
Information Processing Letters 109 (14), 768-773, 2009
Estimating the maximum hidden vertex set in polygons
AL Bajuelos, S Canales, G Hernández, AM Martins
2008 International Conference on Computational Sciences and Its Applications …, 2008
Minimum illumination range voronoi diagrams
M Abellanas, A Bajuelos, G Hernández, I Matos, B Palop
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in …, 2005
Some problems related to good illumination
M Abellanas, A Bajuelos, I Matos
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 1-14, 2007
Vertex guards in a subclass of orthogonal polygons
AM Martins, AL Bajuelos
Int. J. Computer Science and Network Security 6, 102-108, 2006
Good θ-illumination of points
M Abellanas, A Bajuelos, I Matos
Proc. 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry, 61-64, 2007
Characterizing and covering some subclasses of orthogonal polygons
AM Martins, AL Bajuelos
International Conference on Computational Science, 255-262, 2006
Minimum vertex guard problem for orthogonal polygons: a genetic approach
AL Bajuelos Domínguez, G Hernández Peñalver, S Canales Cano, ...
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, WSEAS, 2008
Metaheuristic approaches for the minimum vertex guard problem
AL Bajuelos, AM Martins, S Canales, G Hernández
2009 Third International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and …, 2009
Some Properties of Fat and Thin grid n-ogons
AM Martins, A Bajuelos
Proc. of International Conference of numerical Analisys and Applied …, 2005
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