Gábor Kónya
Gábor Kónya
Group of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Wigner Research Centre
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Dicke-Model Phase Transition in the Quantum Motion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate<? format?> in an Optical Cavity
D Nagy, G Kónya, G Szirmai, P Domokos
Physical review letters 104 (13), 130401, 2010
Multimode mean-field model for the quantum phase transition of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical resonator
G Kónya, G Szirmai, P Domokos
The European Physical Journal D 65 (1), 33-42, 2011
Damping of quasiparticles in a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to an optical cavity
G Kónya, G Szirmai, P Domokos
Physical Review A 90 (1), 013623, 2014
Finite-size scaling in the quantum phase transition of the open-system Dicke model
G Kónya, D Nagy, G Szirmai, P Domokos
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 013641, 2012
The gauge-invariant Lagrangian, the Power–Zienau–Woolley picture, and the choices of field momenta in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics
A Vukics, G Kónya, P Domokos
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 16337, 2021
Photonic tuning of Beliaev damping in a superfluid
G Kónya, G Szirmai, D Nagy, P Domokos
Physical Review A 89 (5), 051601, 2014
Quantum noise in a transversely-pumped-cavity Bose-Hubbard model
D Nagy, G Kónya, P Domokos, G Szirmai
Physical Review A 97 (6), 063602, 2018
Nonequilibrium polariton dynamics in a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to an optical cavity
G Kónya, D Nagy, G Szirmai, P Domokos
Physical Review A 98 (6), 063608, 2018
Derivation of the Keldysh Path Integral from the Master Equation of a Harmonic Oscillator in a Thermal Bath Via Supercoherent States
G Kónya
Journal of Russian Laser Research 39, 473-483, 2018
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