Ghasem Soleimani Rad
Ghasem Soleimani Rad
Part-time Assistant Professor, Currently: Freelance Researcher
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Some relations between n-tuple fixed point and fixed point results
G Soleimani Rad, S Shukla, H Rahimi
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie …, 2015
Fixed and periodic point theorems for 𝑇-contractions on cone metric spaces
H Rahimi, BE Rhoades, S Radenović, GS Rad
Filomat 27 (5), 881-888, 2013
Quadrupled fixed point results in abstract metric spaces
H Rahimi, S Radenovic, G Soleimani Rad, P Kumam
Computational and Applied Mathematics 33, 671-685, 2014
Common fixed-point theorems and c-distance in ordered cone metric spaces
H Rahimi, G Soleimani Rad
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 65 (12), 1845-1862, 2014
Fixed point theory in various spaces
H Rahimi, GS Rad
Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013
Some common fixed point results for weakly compatible mappings in cone metric type space
H Rahimi, P Vetro, GS Rad
Miskolc Mathematical Notes 14 (1), 233-243, 2013
New Fixed Point Results in ‐Quasi‐Metric Spaces and an Application
EL Ghasab, H Majani, E Karapinar, GS Rad
Advances in Mathematical Physics 2020 (1), 9452350, 2020
The existence of fixed and periodic point theorems in cone metric type spaces
P Kumam, H Rahimi, GS Rad
J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl 7 (4), 255-263, 2014
Some remarks on coupled, tripled and n-tupled coincidence and fixed points theorems in ordered abstract metric spaces
ZM Fadail, GS Rad, V Ozturk, S Radenovic
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 97 (7), 809, 2015
A shorter and simple approach to study fixed point results via b-simulation functions
G Soleimani Rad, S Radenovic, D Dolicanin-Dekic
IJMSI 13 (1), 97-102, 2018
Common fixed point results for four mappings on ordered vector metric spaces
H Rahimi, M Abbas, GS Rad
Filomat 29 (4), 865-878, 2015
Some fixed point results in metric type space
H Rahimi, GS Rad
J. Basic Appl. Sci. Res 2 (9), 9301-9308, 2012
Coupled fixed-point results for T-contractions on cone metric spaces with applications
H Rahimi, P Vetro, GS Rad
Mathematical Notes 98, 158-167, 2015
Fixed point results under generalized c-distance with application to nonlinear fourthorder differential equation
GS Rad, H Rahimi, C Vetro
Fixed Point Theory 20 (2), 635-648, 2019
Best proximity points for (φ− ψ)-weak contractions and some applications
K Fallahi, G Soleimani Rad, A Fulga
Filomat 37 (6), 1835-1842, 2023
On some rational contractions in -metric spaces
ZD Mitrović, H Aydi, Z Kadelburg, G Soleimani Rad
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 69 (3), 1193-1203, 2020
Fixed point results for pointwise Chatterjea type mappings with respect to a c-distance in cone metric spaces endowed with a graph
K Fallahi, A Petrusel, G Soleimani Rad
UPB Scientific Bulletin,(Series A) 80 (1), 47-54, 2018
Fixed point theorems under c-distance in ordered cone metric space
H Rahimi, G Soleimani Rad
Inter. J. of Industrial Mathematics. 6 (2), 97-105, 2014
Coupled common fixed point theorems under weak contractions in cone metric type spaces
H Rahimi, GS Rad, P Kumam
Thai. J. of Math 12 (1), 1-14, 2014
Integral type contractions in partially ordered metric spaces and best proximity point
K Fallahi, H Ghahramani, G Soleimani Rad
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 44, 177-183, 2020
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