Jing Wu
Jing Wu
Ph.D., Department of mechatronics, Hanyang University
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Development and evaluation of a compact 6-axis force/moment sensor with a serial structure for the humanoid robot foot
C Yuan, LP Luo, Q Yuan, J Wu, RJ Yan, H Kim, KS Shin, CS Han
Measurement 70, 110-122, 2015
QuicaBot: Quality inspection and assessment robot
RJ Yan, E Kayacan, IM Chen, LK Tiong, J Wu
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (2), 506-517, 2018
Performance assessment and metagenomic analysis of full-scale innovative two-stage anaerobic digestion biogas plant for food wastes treatment
K Li, K Wang, J Wang, Q Yuan, C Shi, J Wu, J Zuo
Journal of Cleaner Production 264, 121646, 2020
Enhanced membrane-based pre-concentration improves wastewater organic matter recovery: Pilot-scale performance and membrane fouling
H Gong, Z Jin, H Xu, Q Yuan, J Zuo, J Wu, K Wang
Journal of Cleaner Production 206, 307-314, 2019
Trajectory planning for energy minimization of industry robotic manipulators using the Lagrange interpolation method
LP Luo, C Yuan, RJ Yan, Q Yuan, J Wu, KS Shin, CS Han
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 16, 911-917, 2015
3D point cloud map construction based on line segments with two mutually perpendicular laser sensors
RJ Yan, J Wu, JY Lee, CS Han
2013 13th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2013
Wheel-legged robotic limb to assist human with load carriage: An application for environmental disinfection during COVID-19
Y Leng, X Lin, G Huang, M Hao, J Wu, Y Xiang, K Zhang, C Fu
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 3695-3702, 2021
Natural corners-based SLAM in unknown indoor environment
RJ Yan, J Wu, SJ Lim, JY Lee, CS Han
2012 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2012
Natural corners extraction algorithm in 2D unknown indoor environment with laser sensor
R Yan, J Wu, W Wang, S Lim, J Lee, C Han
2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 983-987, 2012
A novel method for 3D reconstruction: Division and merging of overlapping B-spline surfaces
RJ Yan, J Wu, JY Lee, AM Khan, CS Han, E Kayacan, IM Chen
Computer-Aided Design 81, 14-23, 2016
Type synthesis of 2T1R planar parallel mechanisms and their moduling development applications
D Zhang, Y Zheng, L Wei, J Wu, Y Xu, Y Zhao
IEEE Access 9, 72217-72227, 2021
A 3-DOF quick-action parallel manipulator based on four linkage mechanisms with high-speed cam
J Wu, RJ Yan, KS Shin, CS Han, IM Chen
Mechanism and Machine Theory 115, 168-196, 2017
Adaptive rapidly-exploring random tree for efficient path planning of high-degree-of-freedom articulated robots
DH Kim, YS Choi, SH Kim, J Wu, C Yuan, LP Luo, JY Lee, CS Han
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2015
Representation of 3D Environment Map Using B‐Spline Surface with Two Mutually Perpendicular LRFs
RJ Yan, J Wu, JY Lee, CS Han
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 690310, 2015
Natural corners-based SLAM with partial compatibility algorithm
RJ Yan, J Wu, Q Yuan, C Yuan, LP Luo, KS Shin, JY Lee, CS Han
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2014
Arc/line segments-based SLAM by updating accumulated sensor data
RJ Yan, Y Choi, J Wu, C Han
Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems 21 (10), 936-943, 2015
Mutually converted arc–line segment-based SLAM with summing parameters
RJ Yan, J Wu, ML Shao, KS Shin, JY Lee, CS Han
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2015
Sensor-based exploration for planar two-identical-link robots
ML Shao, RJ Yan, J Wu, JY Lee, CS Han, DI Shin, KS Shin
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2016
Design and evaluation of a three-axis force/torque sensor for humanoid robot balance control
C Yuan, RJ Yan, J Wu, SH Kim, KS Shin, CS Han
2014 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2014
Autonomous mobile construction robots in built environment: A comprehensive review
L Zeng, S Guo, J Wu, B Markert
Developments in the Built Environment 19, 100484, 2024
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