Elizabeth Salerno (Awick)
Elizabeth Salerno (Awick)
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Fitness, but not physical activity, is related to functional integrity of brain networks associated with aging
MW Voss, TB Weng, AZ Burzynska, CN Wong, GE Cooke, R Clark, ...
Neuroimage 131, 113-125, 2016
Effects of a randomized exercise trial on physical activity, psychological distress and quality of life in older adults
EA Awick, DK Ehlers, S Aguiñaga, AM Daugherty, AF Kramer, E McAuley
General hospital psychiatry 49, 44-50, 2017
Physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness are beneficial for white matter in low-fit older adults
AZ Burzynska, L Chaddock-Heyman, MW Voss, CN Wong, NP Gothe, ...
PloS one 9 (9), e107413, 2014
White matter integrity declined over 6-months, but dance intervention improved integrity of the fornix of older adults
AZ Burzynska, Y Jiao, AM Knecht, J Fanning, EA Awick, T Chen, N Gothe, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 9, 239011, 2017
White matter microstructure mediates the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and spatial working memory in older adults
LE Oberlin, TD Verstynen, AZ Burzynska, MW Voss, RS Prakash, ...
Neuroimage 131, 91-101, 2016
Replacing sedentary time with sleep, light, or moderate-to-vigorous physical activity: effects on self-regulation and executive functioning
J Fanning, G Porter, EA Awick, DK Ehlers, SA Roberts, G Cooke, ...
Journal of Behavioral Medicine 40, 332-342, 2017
Physical activity, sleep and quality of life in older adults: influence of physical, mental and social well-being
NP Gothe, DK Ehlers, EA Salerno, J Fanning, AF Kramer, E McAuley
Behavioral sleep medicine 18 (6), 797-808, 2020
Brain network modularity predicts exercise-related executive function gains in older adults
PL Baniqued, CL Gallen, MW Voss, AZ Burzynska, CN Wong, GE Cooke, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 9, 426, 2018
Physical activity, self‐efficacy and self‐esteem in breast cancer survivors: A panel model
EA Awick, SM Phillips, GR Lloyd, E McAuley
Psycho‐oncology 26 (10), 1625-1631, 2017
Executive function processes predict mobility outcomes in older adults
NP Gothe, J Fanning, E Awick, D Chung, TR Wójcicki, EA Olson, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 62 (2), 285-290, 2014
Objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior and quality of life indicators in survivors of breast cancer
SM Phillips, EA Awick, DE Conroy, CA Pellegrini, EL Mailey, E McAuley
Cancer 121 (22), 4044-4052, 2015
Differential exercise effects on quality of life and health-related quality of life in older adults: a randomized controlled trial
EA Awick, TR Wójcicki, EA Olson, J Fanning, HD Chung, K Zuniga, ...
Quality of Life Research 24, 455-462, 2015
White matter plasticity in healthy older adults: the effects of aerobic exercise
AM Colmenares, MW Voss, J Fanning, EA Salerno, NP Gothe, ...
Neuroimage 239, 118305, 2021
Sedentary Behavior in United States Adults: Fall 2019
CE Matthews, SA Carlson, PF Saint-Maurice, S Patel, E Salerno, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 53 (12), 2512, 2021
Home-based physical activity program improves depression and anxiety in older adults
S Aguiñaga, DK Ehlers, EA Salerno, J Fanning, RW Motl, E McAuley
Journal of physical activity and health 15 (9), 692-696, 2018
Regional brain volumes moderate, but do not mediate, the effects of group-based exercise training on reductions in loneliness in older adults
DK Ehlers, AM Daugherty, AZ Burzynska, J Fanning, EA Awick, ...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9, 110, 2017
Physical activity patterns and relationships with cognitive function in patients with breast cancer before, during, and after chemotherapy in a prospective, nationwide study
EA Salerno, E Culakova, AS Kleckner, CE Heckler, PJ Lin, CE Matthews, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 39 (29), 3283-3292, 2021
Acute aerobic exercise effects on cognitive function in breast cancer survivors: a randomized crossover trial
EA Salerno, K Rowland, AF Kramer, E McAuley
BMC cancer 19, 1-9, 2019
The effects of exercise on cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients during primary treatment: a meta-analysis and systematic review
DK Ehlers, K DuBois, EA Salerno
Expert review of anticancer therapy 20 (10), 865-877, 2020
Embracing the complexity: older adults with cancer-related cognitive decline—a Young International Society of Geriatric Oncology position paper
M Pergolotti, NML Battisti, L Padgett, AG Sleight, M Abdallah, R Newman, ...
Journal of geriatric oncology 11 (2), 237-243, 2020
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