Wonwoo Jung (정원우)
Wonwoo Jung (정원우)
LIG Nex1
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{AppScope}: Application Energy Metering Framework for Android Smartphone Using Kernel Activity Monitoring
C Yoon, D Kim, W Jung, C Kang, H Cha
2012 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 12), 387-400, 2012
DevScope: a nonintrusive and online power analysis tool for smartphone hardware components
W Jung, C Kang, C Yoon, D Kim, H Cha
Proceedings of the eighth IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware …, 2012
Runtime power estimation of mobile AMOLED displays
D Kim, W Jung, H Cha
2013 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 61-64, 2013
EnTrack: a system facility for analyzing energy consumption of Android system services
S Lee, W Jung, Y Chon, H Cha
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2015
Accurate prediction of available battery time for mobile applications
D Kim, Y Chon, W Jung, Y Kim, H Cha
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 15 (3), 1-17, 2016
Userscope: A fine-grained framework for collecting energy-related smartphone user contexts
W Jung, K Kim, H Cha
2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 158-165, 2013
Powerlet: An active battery interface for smartphones
W Jung, Y Chon, D Kim, H Cha
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2014
A decentralized approach for monitoring timing constraints of event flows
H Kim, S Yi, W Jung, H Cha
2010 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 327-336, 2010
Nonintrusive and online power analysis for smartphone hardware components
W Jung, C Kang, C Yoon, D Kim, H Cha
Proceedings of the eighth IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware …, 2012
Reducing congestion in real-time multi-party-tracking sensor network applications
W Jung, S Shin, S Choi, H Cha
Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing–EUC 2005 Workshops, 1191-1200, 2005
Observing thermal characteristics of energy-aware mobile devices
W Jung, D Kim, H Cha
2012 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing …, 2012
A Congestion Avoidance Mechanism for Real-Time Sensor Network Applications
J Won-woo
Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference, 436-438, 2005
Improving Real-Time Data Delivery in Multi-Party Tracking Sensor Network Applications
W Jung, I Jung, S Choi, H Cha, R Ha
Technical Report, 0
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