Francisco Jose Silva Mata
Francisco Jose Silva Mata
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Computational intelligence in digital forensics: forensic investigation and applications
AK Muda, YH Choo, A Abraham, SN Srihari
Springer International Publishing, 2014
Geodesic distances for 3D-3D and 2D-3D face recognition
S Berretti, A Del Bimbo, P Pala, FJS Mata
2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1515-1518, 2007
Face recognition by SVMS classification of 2D and 3D radial geodesics
S Berretti, A Del Bimbo, P Pala, FJS Mata
2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 93-96, 2008
A fast adaboosting based method for iris and pupil contour detection
FS Mata, EG Llano, EMÁ Morales, JLG Rodríguez
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications: 11th …, 2006
Umbilical cord lining stem cells and methods and material for isolating and culturing same
FJ Silva, R Gonzalez
US Patent 8,778,679, 2014
Using geodesic distances for 2D-3D and 3D-3D face recognition
S Berretti, A Del Bimbo, P Pala, FJS Mata
14th International Conference of Image Analysis and Processing-Workshops …, 2007
Improvement deoxyribo nucleic acid spots classification in polyacrilamide gel images using photometric normalization algorithms
EG Llano, FS Mata, IT Bustamante, NH González, RG Gazapo
Analytica Chimica Acta 595 (1-2), 145-151, 2007
Pervasive healthcare monitoring system
MN Perez, FJA Mata, VMZ Rodriguez, S Zhang
2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 …, 2015
3D face recognition by functional data analysis
D Porro-Muñoz, F José Silva-Mata, A Revilla-Eng, I Talavera-Bustamante, ...
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2014
Application of chemometric tools for automatic classification and profile extraction of DNA samples in forensic tasks
IT Bustamante, FS Mata, NH González, RG Gazapo, J Palau, ...
Analytica chimica acta 595 (1-2), 43-50, 2007
Face recognition by matching 2D and 3D geodesic distances
S Berretti, A Del Bimbo, P Pala, FJ Silva Mata
Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining: International Workshop, MCAM 2007 …, 2007
An approach to automatic target recognition in radar images using SVM
N Hernández, JLG Rodríguez, JA Martin, FS Mata, R González, R Álvarez
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, 964-973, 2006
The role of chemosensory relationships to improve raw materials’ selection for Premium cigar manufacture
A Borges-Miranda, FJ Silva-Mata, I Talavera-Bustamante, ...
Chemical Papers 75, 4075-4091, 2021
El procesamiento de imágenes de TLC como una nueva vía para la identificación de sustancias
FJ Silva-Mata, D Porro-Muñoz, I Talavera-Bustamante, ...
Revista Cubana de Química 25 (3), 295-306, 2013
Automatic extraction of DNA profiles in polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis images
F Silva-Mata, I Talavera-Bustamante, R González-Gazapo, ...
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, 242-251, 2005
Assessing the relationship between binarization and OCR in the context of deep learning-based ID document analysis
R Sánchez-Rivero, P Bezmaternykh, A Morales-González, FJ Silva-Mata, ...
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition …, 2021
Functional data analysis as an alternative for the automatic biometric image recognition: Iris application
D P-Muñoz, FJ Silva Mata, N Hernández, I Talavera Bustamante
Computación y Sistemas 18 (1), 111-121, 2014
Face Recognition by SVMs Classification and Manifold Learning of 2D and 3D Radial Geodesic. Distances.
S Berretti, A Del Bimbo, P Pala, F Silva-Mata
3DOR@ Eurographics, 57-64, 2008
Reconocimiento biométrico de rostros mediante el análisis de datos funcionales de sus modelos tridimensionales
FJ Silva Mata, A Revilla Eng, I Talavera Bustamante, Á Augier, S Berretti
Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas 11 (1), 1-14, 2017
Automatic classification of herbal substances enhanced with an entropy criterion
V Mendiola-Lau, FJS Mata, Y Martínez-Díaz, IT Bustamante, ...
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2017
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