Wolfgang Hönig
Wolfgang Hönig
Assistant Professor, Technical University Berlin
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Crazyswarm: A large nano-quadcopter swarm
JA Preiss, W Honig, GS Sukhatme, N Ayanian
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3299-3304, 2017
Trajectory planning for quadrotor swarms
W Hönig, JA Preiss, TKS Kumar, GS Sukhatme, N Ayanian
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 34 (4), 856-869, 2018
Mixed reality for robotics
W Hoenig, C Milanes, L Scaria, T Phan, M Bolas, N Ayanian
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
PIConGPU: a fully relativistic particle-in-cell code for a GPU cluster
H Burau, R Widera, W Hönig, G Juckeland, A Debus, T Kluge, U Schramm, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38 (10), 2831-2839, 2010
Multi-agent path finding with kinematic constraints
W Hönig, TK Kumar, L Cohen, H Ma, H Xu, N Ayanian, S Koenig
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2016
Conflict-based search with optimal task assignment
W Hönig, S Kiesel, A Tinka, J Durham, N Ayanian
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2018
Persistent and robust execution of MAPF schedules in warehouses
W Hönig, S Kiesel, A Tinka, JW Durham, N Ayanian
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 1125-1131, 2019
Sim-to-(multi)-real: Transfer of low-level robust control policies to multiple quadrotors
A Molchanov, T Chen, W Hönig, JA Preiss, N Ayanian, GS Sukhatme
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
Glas: Global-to-local safe autonomy synthesis for multi-robot motion planning with end-to-end learning
B Riviere, W Hönig, Y Yue, SJ Chung
IEEE robotics and automation letters 5 (3), 4249-4256, 2020
Lifelong path planning with kinematic constraints for multi-agent pickup and delivery
H Ma, W Hönig, TKS Kumar, N Ayanian, S Koenig
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 7651-7658, 2019
Overview: Generalizations of multi-agent path finding to real-world scenarios
H Ma, S Koenig, N Ayanian, L Cohen, W Hönig, TK Kumar, T Uras, H Xu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05515, 2017
Overview: A hierarchical framework for plan generation and execution in multirobot systems
H Ma, W Hönig, L Cohen, T Uras, H Xu, TKS Kumar, N Ayanian, S Koenig
IEEE Intelligent Systems 32 (6), 6-12, 2017
Flying multiple UAVs using ROS
W Hönig, N Ayanian
Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 2), 83-118, 2017
Downwash-aware trajectory planning for large quadrotor teams
JA Preiss, W Hönig, N Ayanian, GS Sukhatme
2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2017
Neural-swarm2: Planning and control of heterogeneous multirotor swarms using learned interactions
G Shi, W Hönig, X Shi, Y Yue, SJ Chung
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (2), 1063-1079, 2021
Neural-swarm: Decentralized close-proximity multirotor control using learned interactions
G Shi, W Hönig, Y Yue, SJ Chung
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3241-3247, 2020
Information-based guidance and control architecture for multi-spacecraft on-orbit inspection
YK Nakka, W Hönig, C Choi, A Harvard, A Rahmani, SJ Chung
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 45 (7), 1184-1201, 2022
Robust trajectory execution for multi-robot teams using distributed real-time replanning
B Şenbaşlar, W Hönig, N Ayanian
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 14th International Symposium …, 2019
Trajectory planning for heterogeneous robot teams
M Debord, W Hönig, N Ayanian
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2018
Summary: Multi-agent path finding with kinematic constraints
W Hönig, TKS Kumar, L Cohen, H Ma, H Xu, N Ayanian, S Koenig
Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2017
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