Katherine Silversides
Katherine Silversides
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Automated recognition of stratigraphic marker shales from geophysical logs in iron ore deposits
K Silversides, A Melkumyan, D Wyman, P Hatherly
Computers & Geosciences 77, 118-125, 2015
A comparison of t-SNE, SOM and SPADE for identifying material type domains in geological data
M Balamurali, KL Silversides, A Melkumyan
Computers & Geosciences 125, 78-89, 2019
A Dynamic Time Warping based covariance function for Gaussian Processes signature identification
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan
Computers & Geosciences 96, 69-76, 2016
Boundary identification and surface updates using mwd
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan
Mathematical Geosciences 53 (5), 1047-1071, 2021
Determination of rock types by spectral scanning
K Silversides, R Murphy, D Wyman
US Patent App. 13/577,233, 2012
Detection of geological structure using gamma logs for autonomous mining
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan, DA Wyman, PJ Hatherly, E Nettleton
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1577-1582, 2011
Identification of marker shale horizons in banded iron formation: linking measurements of downhole natural gamma‐ray with measurements from reflectance spectrometry of rock cores
KL Silversides, RJ Murphy
Near Surface Geophysics 15 (2), 141-153, 2017
Machine learning for classification of stratified geology from MWD data
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan
Ore Geology Reviews 142, 104737, 2022
Machine learning classification of geochemical and geophysical data
L Huang, M Balamurali, KL Silversides
Mining goes Digital: Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium …, 2019
Fusing Gaussian Processes and Dynamic Time Warping for Improved Natural Gamma Signal Classification
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan, D Wyman
Mathematical Geosciences 48 (2), 187-210, 2016
Boundary Classification for Automated Geological Modelling
K Silversides, A Melkumyan, P Hatherly, D Wyman
35th APCOM Symposium 2011, 113-120, 2011
Creating large scale probabilistic boundaries using Gaussian Processes
A Ball, KL Silversides, A Chlingaryan, A Melkumyan
Expert Systems with Applications 199, 116959, 2022
Bedding Angle Identification from BIF Marker Shales via Modified Dynamic Time Warping
MA George, KL Silversides, J Zigman, A Melkumyan
Mathematical Geosciences 53 (7), 1567-1585, 2021
Gaussian processes based fusion of multiple data sources for automatic identification of geological boundaries in mining
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan
Neural Information Processing: 23rd International Conference, ICONIP 2016 …, 2016
Multivariate Gaussian process for distinguishing geological units using measure while drilling data
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan
Mining goes Digital: Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium …, 2019
Automated lithological recognition using DTW signal processing of natural gamma logs
K Silversides, A Melkumyan, D Wyman
37th APCOM Symposium 2015, 176-183, 2015
Identification of Shale and Ore Boundaries Using Gaussian Processes
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan, DA Wyman, PJ Hatherly
Iron Ore 2011, 179-183, 2011
BIF-hosted deposit unit differentiation using multivariate Gaussian processes on measure while drilling data
KL Silversides, A Ball, A Melkumyan
Applied Earth Science 129 (4), 164-175, 2020
Investigating variations in background response in measurements of downhole natural gamma in a banded iron formation in the Pilbara, Western Australia
RJ Murphy, KL Silversides
Journal of Applied Geophysics 137, 118-127, 2017
Comparison between Gaussian Processes and Dynamic Time Warping for Classification of Marker Shales in Iron Ore Deposits
KL Silversides, A Melkumyan
Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning SMP 2014, 177–184, 2014
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