Willem-Jan van Hoeve
Willem-Jan van Hoeve
Professor of Operations Research, Carnegie Mellon University
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Inventory rebalancing and vehicle routing in bike sharing systems
J Schuijbroek, RC Hampshire, WJ Van Hoeve
European Journal of Operational Research 257 (3), 992-1004, 2017
The alldifferent constraint: A survey
WJ van Hoeve
Sixth Annual Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints, Arxiv …, 2001
Global constraints
WJ van Hoeve, I Katriel
Handbook of Constraint Programming, 169-208, 2006
Decision diagrams for optimization
D Bergman, AA Cire, WJ Van Hoeve, J Hooker
Springer International Publishing, 2016
Discrete Optimization with Decision Diagrams
D Bergman, AA Cire, WJ van Hoeve, JN Hooker
INFORMS Journal on Computing 28 (1), 47-66, 2016
Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Sequencing Problems
AA Cire, WJ van Hoeve
Operations Research 61 (6), 1411-1428, 2013
On global warming: Flow-based soft global constraints
WJ Van Hoeve, G Pesant, LM Rousseau
Journal of Heuristics 12 (4-5), 347-373, 2006
A systematic approach to MDD-based constraint programming
S Hoda, WJ Van Hoeve, JN Hooker
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming–CP 2010: 16th …, 2010
Wildlife corridors as a connected subgraph problem
JM Conrad, CP Gomes, WJ van Hoeve, A Sabharwal, JF Suter
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 63 (1), 1-18, 2012
Manipulating MDD relaxations for combinatorial optimization
D Bergman, WJ Van Hoeve, JN Hooker
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for …, 2011
Constraint Programming for LNG Ship Scheduling and Inventory Management
V Goel, M Slusky, WJ van Hoeve, KC Furman, Y Shao
European Journal of Operational Research 241 (3), 662-673, 2015
Optimization bounds from binary decision diagrams
D Bergman, AA Cire, WJ van Hoeve, JN Hooker
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2012
Revisiting the sequence constraint
WJ Van Hoeve, G Pesant, LM Rousseau, A Sabharwal
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2006: 12th …, 2006
A multi-label A* algorithm for multi-agent pathfinding
F Grenouilleau, WJ Van Hoeve, JN Hooker
Proceedings of the international conference on automated planning and …, 2019
Improved filtering for weighted circuit constraints
P Benchimol, WJ Hoeve, JC Régin, LM Rousseau, M Rueher
Constraints 17, 205-233, 2012
Variable ordering for the application of BDDs to the maximum independent set problem
D Bergman, AA Cire, WJ Van Hoeve, JN Hooker
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Contraint Programming for …, 2012
BDD-based heuristics for binary optimization
D Bergman, AA Cire, WJ van Hoeve, T Yunes
Journal of Heuristics 20 (2), 211-234, 2014
Hybrid optimization methods for time-dependent sequencing problems
J Kinable, AA Cire, WJ van Hoeve
European Journal of Operational Research 259 (3), 887-897, 2017
Counting CSP solutions using generalized XOR constraints
CP Gomes, WJ van Hoeve, A Sabharwal, B Selman
AAAI, 204-209, 2007
Vehicle routing for food rescue programs: A comparison of different approaches
C Gunes, WJ van Hoeve, S Tayur
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for …, 2010
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