Daniel Austin
Daniel Austin
Senior Data Scientist, Nike
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In-home walking speeds and variability trajectories associated with mild cognitive impairment
HH Dodge, NC Mattek, D Austin, TL Hayes, JA Kaye
Neurology 78 (24), 1946-1952, 2012
Unobtrusive and ubiquitous in-home monitoring: A methodology for continuous assessment of gait velocity in elders
S Hagler, D Austin, TL Hayes, J Kaye, M Pavel
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 57 (4), 813-820, 2009
Pervasive computing technologies to continuously assess Alzheimer’s disease progression and intervention efficacy
BE Lyons, D Austin, A Seelye, J Petersen, J Yeargers, T Riley, N Sharma, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 7, 102, 2015
Unobtrusive measurement of daily computer use to detect mild cognitive impairment
J Kaye, N Mattek, HH Dodge, I Campbell, T Hayes, D Austin, W Hatt, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 10 (1), 10-17, 2014
One walk a year to 1000 within a year: continuous in-home unobtrusive gait assessment of older adults
J Kaye, N Mattek, H Dodge, T Buracchio, D Austin, S Hagler, M Pavel, ...
Gait & posture 35 (2), 197-202, 2012
Time out-of-home and cognitive, physical, and emotional wellbeing of older adults: a longitudinal mixed effects model
J Petersen, D Austin, N Mattek, J Kaye
PloS one 10 (10), e0139643, 2015
Use of high-frequency in-home monitoring data may reduce sample sizes needed in clinical trials
HH Dodge, J Zhu, NC Mattek, D Austin, J Kornfeld, JA Kaye
PloS one 10 (9), e0138095, 2015
Characterization of sample entropy in the context of biomedical signal analysis
M Aboy, D Cuesta-Frau, D Austin, P Mico-Tormos
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
Indoor localization using pedestrian dead reckoning updated with RFID-based fiducials
S House, S Connell, I Milligan, D Austin, TL Hayes, P Chiang
2011 annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2011
Unobtrusive in-home detection of time spent out-of-home with applications to loneliness and physical activity
J Petersen, D Austin, JA Kaye, M Pavel, TL Hayes
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 18 (5), 1590-1596, 2013
Unobtrusive assessment of walking speed in the home using inexpensive PIR sensors
TL Hayes, S Hagler, D Austin, J Kaye, M Pavel
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
Measuring motor speed through typing: a surrogate for the finger tapping test
D Austin, H Jimison, T Hayes, N Mattek, J Kaye, M Pavel
Behavior research methods 43, 903-909, 2011
Phone behaviour and its relationship to loneliness in older adults
J Petersen, S Thielke, D Austin, J Kaye
Aging & Mental Health 20 (10), 1084-1091, 2016
Clustering home activity distributions for automatic detection of mild cognitive impairment in older adults 1
A Akl, B Chikhaoui, N Mattek, J Kaye, D Austin, A Mihailidis
Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments 8 (4), 437-451, 2016
Gait velocity estimation using time-interleaved between consecutive passive IR sensor activations
R Rana, D Austin, PG Jacobs, M Karunanithi, J Kaye
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (16), 6351-6358, 2016
“Are you sure?” Lapses in self-reported activities among healthy older adults reporting online
KV Wild, N Mattek, D Austin, JA Kaye
Journal of Applied Gerontology 35 (6), 627-641, 2016
Unobtrusive monitoring of the longitudinal evolution of in-home gait velocity data with applications to elder care
D Austin, TL Hayes, J Kaye, N Mattek, M Pavel
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Regularity and predictability of human mobility in personal space
D Austin, RM Cross, T Hayes, J Kaye
PloS one 9 (2), e90256, 2014
Less daily computer use is related to smaller hippocampal volumes in cognitively intact elderly
LC Silbert, HH Dodge, D Lahna, N Promjunyakul, D Austin, N Mattek, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 52 (2), 713-717, 2016
Unobtrusive classification of sleep and wakefulness using load cells under the bed
D Austin, ZT Beattie, T Riley, AM Adami, CC Hagen, TL Hayes
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
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