Jessica Dehler Zufferey
Jessica Dehler Zufferey
EPFL, Center for Learning Sciences
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Group awareness in CSCL environments
D Bodemer, J Dehler
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (3), 1043-1045, 2011
Guiding knowledge communication in CSCL via group knowledge awareness
J Dehler, D Bodemer, J Buder, FW Hesse
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (3), 1068-1078, 2011
Knowledge awareness in CSCL: A psychological perspective
T Engelmann, J Dehler, D Bodemer, J Buder
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (4), 949-960, 2009
The ‘Erfahrraum’: a pedagogical model for designing educational technologies in dual vocational systems
BA Schwendimann, AAP Cattaneo, J Dehler Zufferey, JL Gurtner, ...
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 67 (3), 367-396, 2015
Partner knowledge awareness in knowledge communication: Learning by adapting to the partner
J Dehler Zufferey, D Bodemer, J Buder, FW Hesse
The Journal of Experimental Education 79 (1), 102-125, 2010
A computer science and robotics integration model for primary school: evaluation of a large-scale in-service K-4 teacher-training program
L El-Hamamsy, F Chessel-Lazzarotto, B Bruno, D Roy, T Cahlikova, ...
Education and Information Technologies 26 (3), 2445-2475, 2021
An integrated way of using a tangible user interface in a classroom
S Cuendet, J Dehler-Zufferey, G Ortoleva, P Dillenbourg
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 10, 183-208, 2015
The competent Computational Thinking Test: Development and Validation of an Unplugged Computational Thinking Test for Upper Primary School
L El-Hamamsy, M Zapata-Cáceres, EM Barroso, F Mondada, JD Zufferey, ...
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 07356331221081753, 2022
Assessing computational thinking: Development and validation of the Algorithmic Thinking Test for adults
M Lafuente Martínez, O Lévêque, I Benítez, C Hardebolle, JD Zufferey
Journal of Educational Computing Research 60 (6), 1436-1463, 2022
Mobile and online learning journal: Effects on apprentices’ reflection in vocational education and training
L Mauroux, KD Könings, JD Zufferey, JL Gurtner
Vocations and Learning 7 (2), 215-239, 2014
Providing group knowledge awareness in computer-supported collaborative learning: Insights into learning mechanisms
J Dehler, D Bodemer, J Buder, FW Hesse
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 4 (02), 111-132, 2009
The symbiotic relationship between educational robotics and computer science in formal education
L El-Hamamsy, B Bruno, F Chessel-Lazzarotto, M Chevalier, D Roy, ...
Education and Information Technologies 26 (5), 5077-5107, 2021
A study of carpenter apprentices’ spatial skills
S Cuendet, J Dehler-Zufferey, C Arn, E Bumbacher, P Dillenbourg
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 6 (1), 1-16, 2014
Writing reflective learning journals: Promoting the use of learning strategies and supporting the development of professional skills
L Mauroux, JD Zufferey, E Rodondi, A Cattaneo, E Motta, JL Gurtner
Writing for professional development, 107-128, 2016
How are primary school computer science curricular reforms contributing to equity? Impact on student learning, perception of the discipline, and gender gaps
L El-Hamamsy, B Bruno, C Audrin, M Chevalier, S Avry, JD Zufferey, ...
International Journal of STEM Education 10 (1), 60, 2023
Fostering audience design of computer-mediated knowledge communication by knowledge mirroring
J Dehler, D Bodemer
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2007
From teacher to teacher-trainer: A qualitative study exploring factors contributing to a successful train-the-trainer digital education program
EC Monnier, S Avry, L El-Hamamsy, C Pulfrey, C Caneva, F Mondada, ...
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (1), 100518, 2023
Comparing the psychometric properties of two primary school Computational Thinking (CT) assessments for grades 3 and 4: The Beginners' CT test (BCTt) and the competent CT test …
L El-Hamamsy, M Zapata-Cáceres, P Marcelino, B Bruno, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1082659, 2022
Autorégulation des apprentissages et dossiers de formation en formation professionnelle
L Mauroux, J Dehler Zufferey, F Jimenez, R Wehren, A Cattaneo, ...
L’apprentissage autorégulé: Perspectives théoriques et recherches empiriques …, 2013
Teaching Transversal Skills in the Engineering Curriculum: the Need to Raise the Temperature
H Kovacs, J Delisle, M Mekhaiel, J Dehler Zufferey, R Tormey, ...
SEFI 48th Annual Conference: Engaging Engineering Education. Proceedings …, 2020
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