Sisinnio Concas
Sisinnio Concas
Center for Urban Transportation Research
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Synthesis of research on value of time and value of reliability
S Concas, A Kolpakov
Variation in the value of travel time savings and its impact on the benefits of managed lanes
S Patil, M Burris, WD Shaw, S Concas
Transportation Planning and Technology 34 (6), 547-567, 2011
Impact of carpooling on trip-chaining behavior and emission reductions
S Concas, PL Winters
Transportation research record 2010 (1), 83-91, 2007
Fare pricing elasticity, subsidies, and demand for vanpool services
S Concas, PL Winters, FW Wambalaba
Transportation research record 1924 (1), 215-223, 2005
The potential for reserved truck lanes and truckways in Florida
S Reich, J Davis, M Catala, A Ferraro, S Concas
Accessibility and housing price resilience: Evidence from limited-access roadways in Florida
S Concas
Transportation research record 2357 (1), 66-76, 2013
The effect of density and trip-chaining on the interaction between urban form and transit demand
S Concas, JS DeSalvo
Journal of Public Transportation 17 (3), 16-38, 2014
A Meta-analysis of parking pricing elasticity
S Concas, N Nayak
Transportation Research Board 91st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2012
Quantifying the net social benefits of vehicle trip reductions: guidance for customizing the TRIMMs model
S Concas, PL Winters
Price elasticity of rideshare: Commuter fringe benefits for vanpools
F Wambalaba, S Concas, M Chavarria
Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program Performance Measurement and Evaluation–Tampa (THEA) CV Pilot Phase 3 Evaluation Report
S Concas, A Kourtellis, M Kamrani, O Dokur, THE Authority
United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation …, 2021
Using mobile apps to measure spatial travel-behavior changes of carsharing users
S Concas, SJ Barbeau, PL Winters, NL Georggi, J Bond
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2013
Economics of travel demand management: Comparative cost effectiveness and public investment
S Concas, PL Winters
Accessibility and Housing Price Resilience: Evidence from Limited-Access Roadways
S Concas
Available at SSRN 2062594, 2012
Valuing the benefits of transportation research: A matrix approach
S Concas, SL Reich, AT Yelds
Proactive congestion management via data-driven methods and connected vehicle-based microsimulation
VC Kummetha, M Kamrani, S Concas, A Kourtellis, O Dokur
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 28 (4), 459-475, 2024
Development of a real-time roadway debris hazard spotting tool using connected vehicle data to enhance roadway safety and system efficiency
S Concas, M Kamrani
Center for Transportation, Equity, Decisions and Dollars (CTEDD)(UTC), 2019
Synthesis of research on value of time and value of reliability
M Markovich, S Concas, A Kolpakov
National Center for Transit Research, Center for Urban Transportation Research, 2009
Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program, Performance Measurement and Evaluation Support Plan, Phase 2 UPDATE–Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority
S Concas, A Kourtellis, SL Reich, THE Authority
United States. Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation …, 2019
Highway capital expenditures and induced vehicle travel
S Concas
Available at SSRN 2062599, 2012
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