Michael Lees
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Simulation engines for multi-agent systems
G Theodoropoulos, R Minson, R Ewald, M Lees
Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation and Applications”, edited by Adelinde M …, 2009
A partition-based match making algorithm for dynamic ridesharing
D Pelzer, J Xiao, D Zehe, MH Lees, AC Knoll, H Aydt
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (5), 2587-2598, 2015
The emergence of slums: A contemporary view on simulation models
D Roy, MH Lees, B Palavalli, K Pfeffer, MAP Sloot
Environmental modelling & software 59, 76-90, 2014
A data driven typology of electric vehicle user types and charging sessions
JR Helmus, MH Lees, R van den Hoed
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 115, 102637, 2020
The use of PDE centres in the local RBF Hermitian method for 3D convective-diffusion problems
D Stevens, H Power, M Lees, H Morvan
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (12), 4606-4624, 2009
Advancing urban mental health research: from complexity science to actionable targets for intervention
JM van der Wal, CD van Borkulo, MK Deserno, JJF Breedvelt, M Lees, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 8 (11), 991-1000, 2021
Assessment of public charging infrastructure push and pull rollout strategies: The case of the Netherlands
JR Helmus, JC Spoelstra, N Refa, M Lees, R van den Hoed
Energy Policy 121, 35-47, 2018
Distributed simulation of agent-based systems with HLA
M Lees, B Logan, G Theodoropoulos
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 17 (3), 11-es, 2007
Hybrid modelling of crowd simulation
M Xiong, M Lees, W Cai, S Zhou, MYH Low
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 57-65, 2010
Distributed simulation of MAS
M Lees, B Logan, R Minson, T Oguara, G Theodoropoulos
Multi-Agent and Multi-Agent-Based Simulation: Joint Workshop MABS 2004, New …, 2005
Automatic rule identification for agent-based crowd models through gene expression programming
J Zhong, L Luo, W Cai, M Lees
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and …, 2014
Springer International Publishing: Cham
VV Krzhizhanovskaya, G Závodszky, MH Lees, JJ Dongarra, PMA Sloot, ...
Switzerland 12141, 273-287, 2020
Survey-based socio-economic data from slums in Bangalore, India
D Roy, B Palavalli, N Menon, R King, K Pfeffer, M Lees, P Sloot
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-9, 2018
Complex agent networks: An emerging approach for modeling complex systems
S Mei, N Zarrabi, M Lees, PMA Sloot
Applied Soft Computing 37, 311-321, 2015
Simulating Agent-Based Systems with HLA: The Case of SIM_AGENT-Part II (03E-SIW-076)
M Lees, B Logan, T Oguara, G Theodoropoulos
Proceedings of the 2003 European Simulation Interoperability Workshop …, 2003
Simulation of city evacuation coupled to flood dynamics
AS Mordvintsev, VV Krzhizhanovskaya, MH Lees, PMA Sloot
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012, 485-499, 2014
Simulating city-level airborne infectious diseases
S Mei, B Chen, Y Zhu, MH Lees, AV Boukhanovsky, PMA Sloot
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 51, 97-105, 2015
An exploratory factor analysis model for slum severity index in Mexico City
D Roy, D Bernal, M Lees
Urban studies 57 (4), 789-805, 2020
Inhibition of quorum sensing in a computational biofilm simulation
JA Fozard, M Lees, JR King, BS Logan
Biosystems 109 (2), 105-114, 2012
PDES-MAS: Distributed simulation of multi-agent systems
V Suryanarayanan, G Theodoropoulos, M Lees
Procedia Computer Science 18, 671-681, 2013
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