Priscila Biller
Priscila Biller
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, University of Campinas
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Breaking good: accounting for fragility of genomic regions in rearrangement distance estimation
P Biller, L Guéguen, C Knibbe, E Tannier
Genome biology and evolution 8 (5), 1427-1439, 2016
Comparative genomics on artificial life
P Biller, C Knibbe, G Beslon, E Tannier
Conference on Computability in Europe, 35-44, 2016
Predicting the short-term success of human influenza virus variants with machine learning
M Hayati, P Biller, C Colijn
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1924), 20200319, 2020
Rearrangement-based phylogeny using the Single-Cut-or-Join operation
P Biller, P Feijão, J Meidanis
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) 10 …, 2013
Moments of genome evolution by Double Cut-and-Join
P Biller, L Guéguen, E Tannier
BMC bioinformatics 16 (14), S7, 2015
Median Approximations for Genomes Modeled as Matrices
JPP Zanetti, P Biller, J Meidanis
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78 (4), 786-814, 2016
Analyzing Phylogenetic Trees with a Tree Lattice Coordinate System and a Graph Polynomial
P Liu, P Biller, M Gould, C Colijn
Systematic Biology, 2022
Breaking good: accounting for the diversity of fragile regions for estimating rearrangement distances
P Biller, C Knibbe, L Guéguen, E Tannier
Genome Biol Evol 8, 1427-39, 2016
Estimating Genetic Similarity Matrices Using Phylogenies
S Wang, S Ge, C Colijn, P Biller, L Wang, LT Elliott
Journal of Computational Biology 28 (6), 587-600, 2021
Polynomial phylogenetic analysis of tree shapes
P Liu, P Biller, M Gould, C Colijn
bioRxiv, 2020
On the matrix median problem
JPP Zanetti, P Biller, J Meidanis
International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 230-243, 2013
Center Genome with Respect to the Rank Distance
P Biller, JPP Zanetti, J Meidanis
Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, 141-149, 2020
Predicting the short-term success of human influenza A variants with machine learning
M Hayati, P Biller, C Colijn
bioRxiv, 609248, 2019
In silico experimental evolution provides independent and challenging benchmarks for comparative genomics
P Biller, E Tannier, G Beslon, C Knibbe
Journées ouvertes Biologie Informatique Mathématiques, 79-82, 2016
On the algebraic genome median
P Biller, JPP Zanetti, P Feijao, J Meidanis
Technical Report IC-12-27, Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, 2012
Experimentos em reconstrução de árvores filogenéticas com a operação de rearranjo de genomas single-cut-or-join
PN Biller
[sn], 2012
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