Dr. rer. nat. Günter Gunkel
Dr. rer. nat. Günter Gunkel
PD für Limnologie, Berlin University of Technology
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Sugar cane industry as a source of water pollution–Case study on the situation in Ipojuca River, Pernambuco, Brazil
G Gunkel, J Kosmol, M Sobral, H Rohn, S Montenegro, J Aureliano
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 180, 261-269, 2007
Hydropower–A green energy? Tropical reservoirs and greenhouse gas emissions
G Gunkel
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 37 (9), 726-734, 2009
Mechanisms of bioaccumulation of a herbicide (atrazine, s-triazine) in a freshwater mollusc (Ancylus fluviatilis müll.) and a fish (Coregonus fera jurine)
G Gunkel, B Streit
Water Research 14 (11), 1573-1584, 1980
Bioindikation in aquatischen Ökosystemen: Bioindikation in limnischen und küstennahen Ökosystemen; Grundlagen, Verfahren und Methoden
G Gunkel
G. Fischer, 1994
Renaturierung kleiner Fließgewässer
G Gunkel
Fischer, 1996
The environmental and operational impacts of Curuá‐Una, a reservoir in the Amazon region of Pará, Brazil
G Gunkel, U Lange, D Walde, JWC Rosa
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 8 (3‐4), 201-216, 2003
Limnology of an equatorial high mountain lake—Lago San Pablo, Ecuador: the significance of deep diurnal mixing for lake productivity
G Gunkel, J Casallas
Limnologica 32 (1), 33-43, 2002
Bank filtration in the sandy littoral zone of Lake Tegel (Berlin): Structure and dynamics of the biological active filter zone and clogging processes
A Hoffmann, G Gunkel
Limnologica 41 (1), 10-19, 2011
Algunos aspectos limnológicos de un lago altoandino: el lago San Pablo, Ecuador
J Casallas, G Gunkel
Limnetica 20 (2), 215-232, 2001
Ecology of a high Andean stream, río Itambi, Otavalo, Ecuador
PC Burneo, G Gunkel
Limnologica 33 (1), 29-43, 2003
Limnología de un Lago Tropical de Alta Montaña, en Ecuador: Características de los sedimentos y tasa de sedimentación
G Gunkel
Revista de Biología Tropical 51 (2), 381-390, 2003
Limnology of an equatorial high mountain lake in Ecuador, Lago San Pablo
G Gunkel
Limnologica 30 (2), 113-120, 2000
Temperature effects on bank filtration: redox conditions and physical-chemical parameters of pore water at Lake Tegel, Berlin, Germany
A Gross-Wittke, G Gunkel, A Hoffmann
Journal of Water and Climate Change 1 (1), 55-66, 2010
Bioaccumulation of a herbicide (atrazine, s-triazine) in the whitefish (Coregonus fera J.): uptake and distribution of the residue in fish
G Gunkel
Las macrófitas de algunos lagos alto-andinos del Ecuador y su bajo potencial como bioindicadores de eutrofización
B Kiersch, R Mühleck, G Gunkel
Revista de biología tropical 52 (4), 829-837, 2004
Management of tropical river basins and reservoirs under water stress: experiences from Northeast Brazil
ÉT Marques, G Gunkel, MC Sobral
Environments 6 (6), 62, 2019
Limnology of the Crater Lake Cuicocha, Ecuador, a cold water tropical lake
G Gunkel, C Beulker
International Review of Hydrobiology 94 (1), 103-125, 2009
Hazards of volcanic lakes: analysis of Lakes Quilotoa and Cuicocha, Ecuador
G Gunkel, C Beulker, B Grupe, F Viteri
Advances in Geosciences 14, 29-33, 2008
Aquatic Ecosystem Services of Reservoirs in Semi-arid Areas: Sustainability and Reservoir Management.
G Gunkel, D Lima, F Selge, M Sobral, S Calado
Sustainabiltiy and Reservoir Management, La Coruna 197 (Transactions Ecol …, 2015
Riparian alder fens—source or sink for nutrients and dissolved organic carbon?—2. Major sources and sinks
LB Busse, G Gunkel
Limnologica 32 (1), 44-53, 2002
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