Sukin Sim
Sukin Sim
Quantum applications engineer at PsiQuantum
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Quantum chemistry in the age of quantum computing
Y Cao, J Romero, JP Olson, M Degroote, PD Johnson, M Kieferová, ...
Chemical reviews 119 (19), 10856-10915, 2019
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms
K Bharti, A Cervera-Lierta, TH Kyaw, T Haug, S Alperin-Lea, A Anand, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 94 (1), 015004, 2022
Pennylane: Automatic differentiation of hybrid quantum-classical computations
V Bergholm, J Izaac, M Schuld, C Gogolin, S Ahmed, V Ajith, MS Alam, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.04968, 2018
Expressibility and entangling capability of parameterized quantum circuits for hybrid quantum‐classical algorithms
S Sim, PD Johnson, A Aspuru‐Guzik
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2 (12), 1900070, 2019
OpenFermion: the electronic structure package for quantum computers
JR McClean, NC Rubin, KJ Sung, ID Kivlichan, X Bonet-Monroig, Y Cao, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (3), 034014, 2020
A quantum computing view on unitary coupled cluster theory
A Anand, P Schleich, S Alperin-Lea, PWK Jensen, S Sim, M Díaz-Tinoco, ...
Chemical Society Reviews 51 (5), 1659-1684, 2022
Low-depth circuit ansatz for preparing correlated fermionic states on a quantum computer
PL Dallaire-Demers, J Romero, L Veis, S Sim, A Aspuru-Guzik
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (4), 045005, 2019
Adaptive pruning-based optimization of parameterized quantum circuits
S Sim, J Romero, JF Gonthier, AA Kunitsa
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (2), 025019, 2021
Investigating the nucleic acid interactions of histone‐derived antimicrobial peptides
S Sim, P Wang, BN Beyer, KJ Cutrona, ML Radhakrishnan, DE Elmore
FEBS letters 591 (5), 706-717, 2017
Quantum computer-aided design: digital quantum simulation of quantum processors
TH Kyaw, T Menke, S Sim, A Anand, NPD Sawaya, WD Oliver, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (4), 044042, 2021
Team-Based Learning for Scientific Computing and Automated Experimentation: Visualization of Colored Reactions
S Vargas, S Zamirpour, S Menon, A Rothman, F Häse, ...
Journal of Chemical Education 97 (3), 689-694, 2020
State preparation boosters for early fault-tolerant quantum computation
G Wang, S Sim, PD Johnson
Quantum 6, 829, 2022
FLIP: A flexible initializer for arbitrarily-sized parametrized quantum circuits
F Sauvage, S Sim, AA Kunitsa, WA Simon, M Mauri, A Perdomo-Ortiz
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.08572, 2021
A framework for algorithm deployment on cloud-based quantum computers
S Sim, Y Cao, J Romero, PD Johnson, A Aspuru-Guzik
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.10576, 2018
ORQVIZ: Visualizing High-Dimensional Landscapes in Variational Quantum Algorithms
MS Rudolph, S Sim, A Raza, M Stechly, JR McClean, ER Anschuetz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04695, 2021
Connecting geometry and performance of two-qubit parameterized quantum circuits
A Katabarwa, S Sim, DE Koh, PL Dallaire-Demers
Quantum 6, 782, 2022
Fault-tolerant quantum computation of molecular observables
M Steudtner, S Morley-Short, W Pol, S Sim, CL Cortes, M Loipersberger, ...
Quantum 7, 1164, 2023
Fault-tolerant quantum algorithm for symmetry-adapted perturbation theory
CL Cortes, M Loipersberger, RM Parrish, S Morley-Short, W Pol, S Sim, ...
PRX Quantum 5 (1), 010336, 2024
Quantum computer simulates excited states of molecule
S Sim, J Romero, PD Johnson, A Aspuru-Guzik
Physics 11, 14, 2018
A case study against QSVT: assessment of quantum phase estimation improved by signal processing techniques
S Greenaway, W Pol, S Sim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.01396, 2024
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