Kyle Wesson
Kyle Wesson
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Practical cryptographic civil GPS signal authentication
K Wesson, M Rothlisberger, T Humphreys
NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation 59 (3), 177-193, 2012
The Texas spoofing test battery: Toward a standard for evaluating GPS signal authentication techniques
TE Humphreys, JA Bhatti, D Shepard, K Wesson
An evaluation of the vestigial signal defense for civil GPS anti-spoofing
KD Wesson, DP Shepard, JA Bhatti, TE Humphreys
Proceedings of the 24th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2011
GNSS signal authentication via power and distortion monitoring
KD Wesson, JN Gross, TE Humphreys, BL Evans
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (2), 739-754, 2017
GNSS spoofing detection using two-antenna differential carrier phase
ML Psiaki, BW OHanlon, SP Powell, JA Bhatti, KD Wesson, TE Schofield
Proceedings of the 27th international technical meeting of the satellite …, 2014
A blueprint for civil GPS navigation message authentication
AJ Kerns, KD Wesson, TE Humphreys
2014 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium-PLANS 2014, 262-269, 2014
Straight talk on anti-spoofing
K Wesson, D Shepard, T Humphreys
Gps World 23 (1), 32-39, 2012
Can cryptography secure next generation air traffic surveillance?
KD Wesson, TE Humphreys, BL Evans
IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, 2014
A combined symmetric difference and power monitoring GNSS anti-spoofing technique
KD Wesson, BL Evans, TE Humphreys
2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 217-220, 2013
Hacking drones
K Wesson, T Humphreys
Scientific American 309 (5), 54-59, 2013
A proposed navigation message authentication implementation for civil GPS anti-spoofing
KD Wesson, MP Rothlisberger, TE Humphreys
Proceedings of the 24th international technical meeting of the satellite …, 2011
Verification and validation of a winter driving simulator
MW Parker, SA Shoop, BA Coutermarsh, KD Wesson, JM Stanley
Journal of Terramechanics 46 (4), 127-139, 2009
A testbed for developing and evaluating GNSS signal authentication techniques
TE Humphreys, JA Bhatti, D Shepard, K Wesson
Opportunistic frequency stability transfer for extending the coherence time of GNSS receiver clocks
KD Wesson, KM Pesyna, JA Bhatti, TE Humphreys
Proceedings of the 23rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2010
Spoofing detection for airborne GNSS equipment
C Hegarty, A Odeh, K Shallberg, K Wesson, T Walter, K Alexander
Proceedings of the 31st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2018
Extending the reach of GPS-assisted femtocell synchronization and localization through tightly-coupled opportunistic navigation
KM Pesyna, KD Wesson, RW Heath, TE Humphreys
2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 242-247, 2011
Secure navigation and timing without local storage of secret keys
KD Wesson
Low-cost, high-fidelity, adaptive cancellation of periodic 60 Hz noise
KD Wesson, RM Ochshorn, BR Land
Journal of Neuroscience methods 185 (1), 50-55, 2009
A probabilistic framework for Global Navigation Satellite System signal timing assurance
KD Wesson, BL Evans, TE Humphreys
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 846-850, 2013
RTCA SC-159: 30 Years of Aviation GPS Standards
CJ Hegarty, GT Ligler, K Alexander, L Chesto, H Moses, JM Wichgers, ...
Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite …, 2015
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