Sankalp Singh
Sankalp Singh
Computer Scientist, Google Inc.
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Amine-modified graphene: thrombo-protective safer alternative to graphene oxide for biomedical applications
SK Singh, MK Singh, PP Kulkarni, VK Sonkar, JJA Grácio, D Dash
ACS nano 6 (3), 2731-2740, 2012
Analysis of distributed policy rule-sets for compliance with global policy
DM Nicol, WH Sanders, S Singh, M Seri
US Patent 8,209,738, 2012
Fungal Planet description sheets: 868–950
PW Crous, AJ Carnegie, MJ Wingfield, R Sharma, G Mughini, ...
Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 42, 291, 2019
Optimization of microtitre plate assay for the testing of biofilm formation ability in different Salmonella serotypes
RK Agarwal, S Singh, KN Bhilegaonkar, VP Singh
International Food Research Journal 18 (4), 1493, 2011
Seasonal incidence of insect-pests and estimation of the losses caused by shoot and fruit borer on brinjal.
NP Mall, RS Pandey, SV Singh, SK Singh
Probabilistic validation of an intrusion-tolerant replication system
S Singh, M Cukier, WH Sanders
International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networking (DSN), 615, 2003
Frontline problem-solving effectiveness: A dynamic analysis of verbal and nonverbal cues
D Marinova, SK Singh, J Singh
Journal of Marketing Research 55 (2), 178-192, 2018
Pilomatrix carcinoma and multiple pilomatrixomas
TA McCulloch, S Singh, DWK Cotton
British Journal of Dermatology 134 (2), 368-371, 1996
X-ray analysis of MgO nanoparticles by modified Scherer’s Williamson-Hall and size-strain method
N Rani, S Chahal, AS Chauhan, P Kumar, R Shukla, SK Singh
Materials Today: Proceedings 12, 543-548, 2019
Lactobacillus plantarum MTCC 9510 supplementation protects from chronic unpredictable and sleep deprivation‐induced behaviour, biochemical and selected gut …
J Dhaliwal, DP Singh, S Singh, AK Pinnaka, RK Boparai, M Bishnoi, ...
Journal of applied microbiology 125 (1), 257-269, 2018
Model-based validation of an intrusion-tolerant information system
F Stevens, T Courtney, S Singh, A Agbaria, JR Meyer, WH Sanders, P Pal
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed …, 2004
Assessment of coastal erosion along the Indian coast on 1: 25,000 scale using satellite data of 1989–1991 and 2004–2006 time frames
AS Rajawat, HB Chauhan, R Ratheesh, S Rode, RJ Bhanderi, ...
Current Science, 347-353, 2015
Neutral strange particle production in neutrino and antineutrino charged-current interactions on neon
D DeProspo, M Kalelkar, M Aderholz, H Akbari, PP Allport, VV Ammosov, ...
Physical Review D 50 (11), 6691, 1994
Squamous cell carcinoma arising from a congenital duplication cyst of the esophagus in a young adult
S Singh, P Lal, SS Sikora, NR Datta
Diseases of the Esophagus 14 (3-4), 258-261, 2001
Podocyte GSK3 is an evolutionarily conserved critical regulator of kidney function
JA Hurcombe, P Hartley, AC Lay, L Ni, JJ Bedford, JP Leader, S Singh, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 403, 2019
Dependability and performance evaluation of intrusion-tolerant server architectures
V Gupta, V Lam, HGV Ramasamy, WH Sanders, S Singh
Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing, 81-101, 2003
Leptospirosis in pregnancy
G Puliyath, S Singh
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases 31, 2491-2496, 2012
A neurochemical basis for the antipsychotic activity of loxapine: interactions with dopamine D1, D2, D4, and serotonin 5-HT2 receptor subtypes
AN Singh, C Barlas, S Singh, P Franks, RK Mishra
European Psychiatry 11 (S4), 424s-425s, 1996
Physicochemical parameters and alarming coliform count of the potable water of Eastern Himalayan state Sikkim: An indication of severe fecal contamination and immediate health risk
AK Singh, S Das, S Singh, N Pradhan, VR Gajamer, S Kumar, YD Lepcha, ...
Frontiers in public health 7, 174, 2019
Study of the anti-ulcerogenic activity of the ethanolic extracts of rhizome of Curcuma caesia (eecc) against gastic ulcers in experimental animals
S Das, PK Bordoloi, D Phukan, S Singh
Asian J Pharm Clin Res 5 (2), 200-203, 2012
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