Diego Seco
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The magazine archive includes every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 50 years.
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Communications of the ACM 44 (6), 15-20, 2001
On minimum-and maximum-weight minimum spanning trees with neighborhoods
R Dorrigiv, R Fraser, M He, S Kamali, A Kawamura, A López-Ortiz, D Seco
Theory of Computing Systems 56, 220-250, 2015
Space-efficient representations of rectangle datasets supporting orthogonal range querying
NR Brisaboa, MR Luaces, G Navarro, D Seco
Information Systems 38 (5), 635-655, 2013
Exploiting geographic references of documents in a geographical information retrieval system using an ontology-based index
NR Brisaboa, MR Luaces, ÁS Places, D Seco
Geoinformatica 14 (3), 307-331, 2010
Clustering-based similarity search in metric spaces with sparse spatial centers
N Brisaboa, O Pedreira, D Seco, R Solar, R Uribe
SOFSEM 2008: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 34th Conference on …, 2008
Space efficient wavelet tree construction
F Claude, PK Nicholson, D Seco
String Processing and Information Retrieval: 18th International Symposium …, 2011
New approaches for the school timetabling problem
A Cerdeira-Pena, L Carpente, A Farina, D Seco
2008 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2008
Microservice-oriented platform for internet of big data analytics: A proof of concept
Z Li, D Seco, AE Sánchez Rodríguez
Sensors 19 (5), 1134, 2019
Parallel construction of wavelet trees on multicore architectures
J Fuentes-Sepúlveda, E Elejalde, L Ferres, D Seco
Knowledge and Information Systems 51, 1043-1066, 2017
Efficient wavelet tree construction and querying for multicore architectures
J Fuentes-Sepúlveda, E Elejalde, L Ferres, D Seco
International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, 150-161, 2014
An inconsistency measure of spatial data sets with respect to topological constraints
NR Brisaboa, MR Luaces, M Andrea Rodríguez, D Seco
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (1), 56-82, 2014
A fun application of compact data structures to indexing geographic data
NR Brisaboa, MR Luaces, G Navarro, D Seco
Fun with Algorithms: 5th International Conference, FUN 2010, Ischia, Italy …, 2010
Aggregated 2d range queries on clustered points
NR Brisaboa, G De Bernardo, R Konow, G Navarro, D Seco
Information Systems 60, 34-49, 2016
Faster compressed quadtrees
T Gagie, JI González-Nova, S Ladra, G Navarro, D Seco
2015 Data Compression Conference, 93-102, 2015
Los sistemas de información geográfica en turismo
MR Luaces, O Pedreira, ÁS Places, D Seco
Rotur: revista de ocio y turismo 1 (1), 117-134, 2008
An ontology-based index to retrieve documents with geographic information
MR Luaces, JR Paramá, O Pedreira, D Seco
International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management …, 2008
A new point access method based on wavelet trees
NR Brisaboa, MR Luaces, G Navarro, D Seco
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 297-306, 2009
A toponym resolution service following the OGC WPS standard
S Ladra, MR Luaces, O Pedreira, D Seco
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 8th International …, 2008
Improved queryable representations of rasters
A Pinto, D Seco, G Gutiérrez
2017 Data Compression Conference (DCC), 320-329, 2017
Assessing the best edit in perturbation-based iterative refinement algorithms to compute the median string
P Mirabal, J Abreu, D Seco
Pattern Recognition Letters 120, 104-111, 2019
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