Ritwik Rakshit
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Subject-specific strength percentile determination for two-dimensional symmetric lifting considering dynamic joint strength
Y Xiang, R Zaman, R Rakshit, J Yang
Multibody System Dynamics 46, 63-76, 2019
Hybrid predictive model for lifting by integrating skeletal motion prediction with an OpenSim musculoskeletal model
R Zaman, Y Xiang, R Rakshit, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69 (3), 1111-1122, 2021
Dynamic-joint-strength-based two-dimensional symmetric maximum weight-lifting simulation: Model development and validation
R Rakshit, Y Xiang, J Yang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2020
Muscle force prediction in opensim using skeleton motion optimization results as input data
R Zaman, Y Xiang, R Rakshit, J Yang
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2019
Joint fatigue-based optimal posture prediction for maximizing endurance time in box carrying task
S Barman, Y Xiang, R Rakshit, J Yang
Multibody System Dynamics 55 (3), 323-339, 2022
Functional muscle group-and sex-specific parameters for a three-compartment controller muscle fatigue model applied to isometric contractions
R Rakshit, Y Xiang, J Yang
Journal of Biomechanics 127, 110695, 2021
Modelling muscle recovery from a fatigued state in isometric contractions for the ankle joint
R Rakshit, J Yang
Journal of Biomechanics 100, 109601, 2020
Hybrid musculoskeletal model-based 3D asymmetric lifting prediction and comparison with symmetric lifting
Y Xiang, R Zaman, A Arefeen, J Quarnstrom, R Rakshit, J Yang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2023
Fatigue Prediction for Repetitive Lifting
S Barman, Y Xiang, R Rakshit, J Yang
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2023
Hybrid predictive model for assessing spinal loads for 3D asymmetric lifting
R Zaman, J Quarnstrom, Y Xiang, R Rakshit, J Yang
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2022
Sensitivity analysis of sex-and functional muscle group-specific parameters for a three-compartment-controller model of muscle fatigue
R Rakshit, S Barman, Y Xiang, J Yang
Journal of Biomechanics 141, 111224, 2022
A velocity-dependent model of localized muscle fatigue for dynamic activity
R Rakshit
Joint velocity dependence of fatigue in isokinetic tasks
R Rakshit, S Barman, Y Xiang, J Yang
Proceedings of the 7th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, 2022
Errata to" Modelling muscle recovery from a fatigued state in isometric contractions for the ankle joint".
R Rakshit, J Yang
Journal of Biomechanics 105, 109802-109802, 2020
Kinematic design of an anatomically-accurate exoskeleton knee joint
R Rakshit
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