Pankaj Kolhe
Pankaj Kolhe
Associate Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad
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Infrared signatures of low-flying aircraft and their rear fuselage skin's emissivity optimization
SP Mahulikar, GA Rao, PS Kolhe
Journal of Aircraft 43 (1), 226-232, 2006
Abel inversion of deflectometric data: comparison of accuracy and noise propagation of existing techniques
PS Kolhe, AK Agrawal
Applied optics 48 (20), 3894-3902, 2009
Density measurements in a supersonic microjet using miniature rainbow schlieren deflectometry
PS Kolhe, AK Agrawal
AIAA journal 47 (4), 830-838, 2009
Deformation and breakup of droplets in an oblique continuous air stream
SK Soni, PK Kirar, P Kolhe, KC Sahu
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 122, 103141, 2020
Skin-temperature prediction of aircraft rear fuselage with multimode thermal model
SP Mahulikar, PS Kolhe, GA Rao
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 19 (1), 114-124, 2005
A combined experimental and computational study of flow-blurring atomization in a twin-fluid atomizer
R Murugan, PS Kolhe, KC Sahu
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 84, 528-541, 2020
Lemon peel oil as an alternative fuel for GDI engines: A spray characterization perspective
A Biswal, R Kale, S Balusamy, R Banerjee, P Kolhe
Renewable energy 142, 249-263, 2019
Role of buoyancy on instabilities and structure of transitional gas jet diffusion flames
PS Kolhe, AK Agrawal
Flow, turbulence and combustion 79, 343-360, 2007
Liquid jet breakup and spray formation with annular swirl air
SK Soni, PS Kolhe
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 0
Coalescence of drops on the free-surface of a liquid pool at elevated temperatures
KS Pavan Kirar, Kathryn Alvarenga, Pankaj Kolhe, Gautam Biswas
Physics of Fluids 32 (052103), 1-9, 2020
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of gasoline/lemon peel oil blends for PFI engine
A Biswal, R Kale, GR Teja, S Banerjee, P Kolhe, S Balusamy
Fuel 267, 117189, 2020
Effects of using ternary gasoline-ethanol-LPO blend on PFI engine performance and emissions
A Biswal, S Gedam, S Balusamy, P Kolhe
Fuel 281, 118664, 2020
Miniature rainbow schlieren deflectometry system for quantitative measurements in microjets and flames
RP Satti, PS Kolhe, S Olcmen, AK Agrawal
Applied optics 46 (15), 2954-2962, 2007
Analytical estimation of solid angle subtended by complex well-resolved surfaces for infrared detection studies
SP Mahulikar, SK Potnuru, PS Kolhe
Applied Optics 46 (22), 4991-4998, 2007
An experimental investigation of droplet morphology in swirl flow
PK Kirar, SK Soni, PS Kolhe, KC Sahu
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 938, A6, 2022
Experimental investigation into flow blurring atomization
R Murugan, PS Kolhe
Experimental Thermal Fluid Science, 0
Experimental study of buoyancy-induced instability in the DME and LPG jet diffusion flame
GM Nayak, P Kolhe, S Balusamy
Fuel 291, 120173, 2021
Experimental study of liquid spray mode of twin fluid atomizer using optical diagnostic tool
R Murugan, S Balusamy, P Kolhe
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 106 (1), 261-289, 2021
Glycerol combustion using flow-blurring atomization
BM Simmons, PS Kolhe, RP Taylor, AK Agrawal
the 2010 Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of The Combustion …, 2010
Experimental study of flow blurring twin fluid atomization concept using transparent injector
R Murugan, B Bollu, K Sekhar, PS Kolhe
ICLASS 2018-14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray …, 2018
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