Juan-Carlos Cano Escribá (ORCID:0000-0002-0038-0539)
Juan-Carlos Cano Escribá (ORCID:0000-0002-0038-0539)
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A survey and comparative study of simulators for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)
FJ Martinez, CK Toh, JC Cano, CT Calafate, P Manzoni
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11 (7), 813-828, 2011
Providing accident detection in vehicular networks through OBD-II devices and Android-based smartphones
J Zaldivar, CT Calafate, JC Cano, P Manzoni
2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 813-819, 2011
Emergency services in future intelligent transportation systems based on vehicular communication networks
FJ Martinez, CK Toh, JC Cano, CT Calafate, P Manzoni
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 2 (2), 6-20, 2010
Routing mechanisms for mobile ad hoc networks based on the energy drain rate
D Kim, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves, K Obraczka, JC Cano, P Manzoni
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2 (2), 161-173, 2003
A performance comparison of energy consumption for mobile ad hoc network routing protocols
JC Cano, P Manzoni
Proceedings 8th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation …, 2000
An overview of vertical handover techniques: Algorithms, protocols and tools
J Márquez-Barja, CT Calafate, JC Cano, P Manzoni
Computer communications 34 (8), 985-997, 2011
Citymob: a mobility model pattern generator for VANETs
FJ Martinez, JC Cano, CT Calafate, P Manzoni
ICC Workshops-2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops …, 2008
Trust management for vehicular networks: An adversary-oriented overview
CA Kerrache, CT Calafate, JC Cano, N Lagraa, P Manzoni
IEEE Access 4, 9293-9307, 2016
A comparative evaluation of AMQP and MQTT protocols over unstable and mobile networks
JE Luzuriaga, M Perez, P Boronat, JC Cano, C Calafate, P Manzoni
2015 12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference …, 2015
Power-aware routing based on the energy drain rate for mobile ad hoc networks
D Kim, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves, K Obraczka, JC Cano, P Manzoni
Proceedings. Eleventh International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2002
Evaluating how smartphone contact tracing technology can reduce the spread of infectious diseases: The case of COVID-19
E Hernández-Orallo, P Manzoni, CT Calafate, JC Cano
Ieee Access 8, 99083-99097, 2020
DTN protocols for vehicular networks: An application oriented overview
SM Tornell, CT Calafate, JC Cano, P Manzoni
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 17 (2), 868-887, 2014
Road side unit deployment: A density-based approach
J Barrachina, P Garrido, M Fogue, FJ Martinez, JC Cano, CT Calafate, ...
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 5 (3), 30-39, 2013
Automatic accident detection: Assistance through communication technologies and vehicles
M Fogue, P Garrido, FJ Martinez, JC Cano, CT Calafate, P Manzoni
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 7 (3), 90-100, 2012
Flying ad-hoc network application scenarios and mobility models
A Bujari, CT Calafate, JC Cano, P Manzoni, CE Palazzi, D Ronzani
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 13 (10), 1550147717738192, 2017
Advances in smart roads for future smart cities
CK Toh, JA Sanguesa, JC Cano, FJ Martinez
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2233), 20190439, 2020
Crowdsensing in smart cities: Overview, platforms, and environment sensing issues
O Alvear, CT Calafate, JC Cano, P Manzoni
Sensors 18 (2), 460, 2018
DrivingStyles: A smartphone application to assess driver behavior
JE Meseguer, CT Calafate, JC Cano, P Manzoni
2013 IEEE symposium on computers and communications (ISCC), 000535-000540, 2013
Improving selfish node detection in MANETs using a collaborative watchdog
E Hernandez-Orallo, MD Serrat, JC Cano, CT Calafate, P Manzoni
IEEE Communications letters 16 (5), 642-645, 2012
CoCoWa: A collaborative contact-based watchdog for detecting selfish nodes
E Hernandez-Orallo, MDS Olmos, JC Cano, CT Calafate, P Manzoni
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 14 (6), 1162-1175, 2014
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