Ariyadi Wijaya
Ariyadi Wijaya
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta State University
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Pendidikan matematika realistik suatu alternatif pendekatan pembelajaran matematika
A Wijaya
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu 20, 2012
Difficulties in solving context-based PISA mathematics tasks: An analysis of students’ errors
A Wijaya, M van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M Doorman, A Robitzsch
The Mathematics Enthusiast 11 (3), 555-584, 2014
Opportunity-to-learn context-based tasks provided by mathematics textbooks
A Wijaya, M van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M Doorman
Educational studies in Mathematics 89, 41-65, 2015
Mathematical literacy of senior high school students in Yogyakarta
RHN Sari, A Wijaya
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika 4 (1), 100-107, 2017
Students' information literacy: A perspective from mathematical literacy
A Wijaya
Journal on Mathematics Education 7 (2), 73-82, 2016
Diagnosing Students' Learning Difficulties in the Eyes of Indonesian Mathematics Teachers.
A Wijaya, H Retnawati, W Setyaningrum, K Aoyama
Journal on Mathematics Education 10 (3), 357-364, 2019
Two decades of realistic mathematics education in Indonesia
Z Zulkardi, RII Putri, A Wijaya
International reflections on the Netherlands didactics of mathematics …, 2020
The Relationships between Indonesian Fourth Graders' Difficulties in Fractions and the Opportunity to Learn Fractions: A Snapshot of TIMSS Results.
A Wijaya
International Journal of Instruction 10 (4), 221-236, 2017
Teachers’ teaching practices and beliefs regarding context-based tasks and their relation with students’ difficulties in solving these tasks
A Wijaya, M van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M Doorman
Mathematics Education Research Journal 27, 637-662, 2015
Design research in mathematics education: Indonesian traditional games as means to support second graders’ learning of linear measurement
A Wijaya
Utrecht School of Applied Sciences, 2008
Collaborative learning with scientific approach and multiple intelligence: Its impact toward math learning achievement
R Maharani, M Marsigit, A Wijaya
The Journal of Educational Research 113 (4), 303-316, 2020
A Learning Trajectory for Probability: A Case of Game-Based Learning.
A Wijaya, M Doorman
Journal on Mathematics Education 12 (1), 1-16, 2021
Problem solving skill of students of senior high schools and Islamic high schools in Tegal Regency in solving the problem of PISA based on Polya’s stage
A Arfiana, A Wijaya
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika 5 (2), 211-222, 2018
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Berorientasi pada Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas VIII SMP
DA Indraningtias, A Wijaya
Jurnal Pedagogi Matematika 6 (5), 24-36, 2017
Aljabar: tantangan beserta pembelajarannya
A Wijaya
Jurnal Gantang 1 (1), 1-15, 2016
Hypothetical learning trajectory dan peningkatan pemahaman konsep pengukuran panjang
A Wijaya
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Jurusan …, 2009
Van Den, Doorman, M., & Robitzch, A.(2014). Difficulties in solving context-based PISA mathematics tasks: An analysis of students’ errors. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 11 (3 …
A Wijaya, M Heuvel-Panhuizen
How do open-ended problems promote mathematical creativity? A reflection of bare mathematics problem and contextual problem
A Wijaya
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 983 (1), 012114, 2018
Context-based mathematics tasks in Indonesia: Toward better practice and achievement
A Wijaya
Utrecht University, 2015
Keefektifan model pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri ditinjau dari prestasi belajar dan kepercayaan diri dalam belajar matematika siswa SMP
A Lintuman, A Wijaya
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika 7 (1), 13-23, 2020
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