Massimo Cellario
Massimo Cellario
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Perspectives and challenges in e-learning: towards natural interaction paradigms
V Cantoni, M Cellario, M Porta
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 15 (5), 333-345, 2004
Artificial vision in road vehicles
M Bertozzi, A Broggi, M Cellario, A Fascioli, P Lombardi, M Porta
Proceedings of the IEEE 90 (7), 1258-1271, 2002
Human-centered intelligent vehicles: Toward multimodal interface integration
M Cellario
IEEE intelligent systems 16 (4), 78-81, 2001
An evolutionary approach to visual sensing for vehicle navigation
A Broggi, M Cellario, P Lombardi, M Porta
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 50 (1), 18-29, 2003
Artificial Vision in Road Vehicles
B Massimo, B Alberto, C Massimo, F Alessandra, L Paolo, P Marco
Neurocinema e Uncanny Valley: arte e scienza nella valle del perturbante
M Cellario
Poli-femo, 83-96, 2015
M Cellario
8 1/2 2 (15), 48-49, 2014
A hypermedia for teaching hydrostatics in secondary school
L Borghi, M Cellario, A De Ambrosis, P Mascheretti, M Mosconi
Proceeding of “Multimedia for Teaching and Learning Physics”, EPS …, 2002
Visual Attention Systems
V Cantoni, M Cellario
Human and Machine Perception 3: Thinking, Deciding, and Acting, 197-207, 2001
Balcells, J., see Gonzalez, D., T-IE Dec 03 1078-1084 Baranyi, P., Yeung Yam, AR Varkonyi-Koczy, and RJ Patton. SVD-based reduction to MISO TS models; T-IE Feb 03 232-242 Baur …
B Benedicic, M Bertoluzzo, FE Bisogno, B Kang, PJC Branco, A Broggi, ...
Drive Control A High-Performance Vector Control of an 11-Level Inverter... J. Rodríguez, L. Morán, J. Pontt, P. Correa, and C. Silva 80 Fault-Tolerant Configuration of …
A Broggi, M Cellario, P Lombardi, M Porta, JW Choi, TH Fang, S Kwong, ...
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