Vuk Stojiljkovic
Vuk Stojiljkovic
Independent researcher
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Hermite–Hadamard Type Inequalities Involving (k-p) Fractional Operator for Various Types of Convex Functions
V Stojiljković, R Ramaswamy, F Alshammari, OA Ashour, ...
Fractal and Fractional 6 (7), 376, 2022
Twice differentiable Ostrowski type tensorial norm inequality for continuous functions of selfadjoint operators in Hilbert spaces
V Stojiljkovic
Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 11 (2), 1-15, 2023
Hermite Hadamard Type Inequalities Involving (kp) Fractional Operator with (α, h− m)− p convexity
V Stojiljkovic
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 16 (1), 503-522, 2023
Some novel inequalities for LR-(k, hm)-p convex interval valued functions by means of pseudo order relation
V Stojiljković, R Ramaswamy, OAA Abdelnaby, S Radenović
Fractal and Fractional 6 (12), 726, 2022
Riemann-Liouville fractional inclusions for convex functions using interval valued setting
V Stojiljković, R Ramaswamy, OA Ashour Abdelnaby, S Radenović
Mathematics 10 (19), 3491, 2022
Refinement of the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality with refinements and generalizations of the numerical radius type inequalities for operators
V Stojiljkovic, SS Dragomir
Annals of Mathematics and Computer Science 21, 33-43, 2024
Fixed points on covariant and contravariant maps with an application
R Ramaswamy, G Mani, AJ Gnanaprakasam, OAA Abdelnaby, ...
Mathematics 10 (22), 4385, 2022
Differentiable Ostrowski type tensorial norm inequality for continuous functions of selfadjoint operators in Hilbert spaces
V Stojiljkovic, S Dragomir
Gulf Journal of Mathematics 15 (2), 40-55, 2023
Hermite–Hadamard–type fractional–integral inequalities for (p, h)-convex fuzzy-interval-valued mappings, Electron
V Stojiljkovic
J. Math 5, 18-28, 2023
Riemann-Liouville Fractional Inclusions for Convex Functions Using Interval Valued Setting. Mathematics 2022, 10, 3491
V Stojiljkovic, R Ramaswamy, OA Ashour Abdelnaby, S Radenovic
Variations in the Tensorial Trapezoid Type Inequalities for Convex Functions of Self-Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Spaces
V Stojiljković, N Mirkov, S Radenović
Symmetry 16 (1), 121, 2024
Berezin radius type inequalities for functional Hilbert space operators
V Stojiljkovic, M Gurdal
Some Refinements of the Tensorial Inequalities in Hilbert Spaces
V Stojiljković, R Ramaswamy, OAA Abdelnaby, S Radenović
Symmetry 15 (4), 925, 2023
Application of fixed point results in the setting of F-contraction and simulation function in the setting of bipolar metric space
G Mani, R Ramaswamy, AJ Gnanaprakasam, V Stojiljkovic, ZM Fadail, ...
AIMS Math 8, 3269-3285, 2023
A new conformable fractional derivative and applications
V Stojiljkovic
Selecciones Matemáticas 9 (02), 370-380, 2022
Some Refinements of the Tensorial Inequalities in Hilbert Spaces. Symmetry 2023, 15, 925
V Stojiljkovic, R Ramaswamy, OAA Abdelnaby, S Radenovic
Some Novel Inequalities for LR-(k, hm)-p Convex Interval Valued Functions by Means of Pseudo Order Relation. Fractal Fract. 2022, 6, 726
V Stojiljkovic, R Ramaswamy, OAA Abdelnaby, S Radenovic
Sharp bounds for trigonometric and hyperbolic functions with application to fractional calculus
V Stojiljković, S Radojević, E Çetin, VŠ Čavić, S Radenović
Symmetry 14 (6), 1260, 2022
Harmonic series with polylogarithmic functions
S Vuk, F Nicola, SC Vesna
Vojnotehnički glasnik 70 (1), 43-61, 2022
Berezin radius inequalities for finite sums of functional Hilbert space operators
M Gürdal, V Stojiljkovic
Gulf Journal of Mathematics 17 (1), 101-109, 2024
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