Professor, Dept of Management studies, Indian Insitute of Technology Madras
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Customer perceptions of service quality: A critique
GS Sureshchandar, C Rajendran, TJ Kamalanabhan
Total quality management 12 (1), 111-124, 2001
Measuring service quality in higher education: Development of a hierarchical model (HESQUAL)
V Teeroovengadum, TJ Kamalanabhan, AK Seebaluck
Quality Assurance in Education 24 (2), 244-258, 2016
Higher education service quality, student satisfaction and loyalty: Validating the HESQUAL scale and testing an improved structural model
V Teeroovengadum, R Nunkoo, C Gronroos, TJ Kamalanabhan, ...
Quality assurance in education 27 (4), 427-445, 2019
An instrument for measuring total quality management implementation in manufacturing-based business units in India
IN Joseph, C Rajendran, TJ Kamalanabhan
International Journal of Production Research 37 (10), 2201-2215, 1999
Work/life balance reflections on employee satisfaction
SV Rani, S Mariappan
Serbian Journal of Management 6 (1), 85-96, 2011
Internal corporate communication and its impact on internal branding: Perception of Indian public sector employees
N Sharma, TJ Kamalanabhan
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 17 (3), 300-322, 2012
Impact of human resource management practices on employee turnover intentions: Moderating role of psychological contract breach
N Santhanam, K TJ, L Dyaram, H Ziegler
Journal of Indian Business Research 9 (3), 212-228, 2017
Employee engagement and job satisfaction in the information technology industry
TJ Kamalanabhan, LP Sai, D Mayuri
Psychological reports 105 (3), 759-770, 2009
Unearthed: the other side of group cohesiveness
L Dyaram, TJ Kamalanabhan
Journal of Social Sciences 10 (3), 185-190, 2005
The impact of cynicism on ethical intentions of Indian managers: The moderating role of seniority
P Nair, TJ Kamalanabhan
Journal of international business ethics 3 (1), 14, 2010
Management’s perception of total quality service in the banking sector of a developing economy–a critical analysis
GS Sureshchandar, C Rajendran, RN Anantharaman, TJ Kamalanabhan
International Journal of Bank Marketing 20 (4), 181-196, 2002
A scale to assess entrepreneurial motivation
V Vijaya, TJ Kamalanabhan
The Journal of Entrepreneurship 7 (2), 183-198, 1998
Organizational factors and total quality management an empirical study
IN Joseph
International Journal of Production Research 37 (6), 1337-1352, 1999
Unethical employee behaviour: a review and typology
R Veetikazhi, TJ Kamalanabhan, P Malhotra, R Arora, A Mueller
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (10), 1976-2018, 2022
Antecedents of employee readiness for change: mediating effect of commitment to change
D Soumyaja, TJ Kamlanabhan, S Bhattacharyya
Management Studies and Economic Systems 54 (2518), 1-15, 2015
Examining the moderating effects of organizational identification between human resource practices and employee turnover intentions in Indian hospitality industry
N Santhanam, TJ Kamalanabhan, L Dyaram, H Ziegler
GSTF Journal on Business Review 4 (1), 11-19, 2015
The impact of cynicism on ethical intentions of Indian managers: the moderating role of their level of management
P Nair, TJ Kamalanabhan
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 1 (2), 155, 2010
Employee readiness to change and individual intelligence: the facilitating role of process and contextual factors.
D Soumyaja, TJ Kamalanabhan, S Bhattacharyya
International Journal of Business Insights & Transformation 4 (2), 2011
Impact of work experiences on perceived organizational support: a study among healthcare professionals
GN Sumathi, TJ Kamalanabhan, M Thenmozhi
AI & society 30, 261-270, 2015
Human resource practices and employee turnover intentions in hospitality industry
S Nivethitha, L Dyaram, TJ Kamalanabhan
Global Journal of Management and Business Research 14 (1), 35-41, 2014
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