Stefanie Vanbecelaere
Stefanie Vanbecelaere
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The effectiveness of adaptive versus non‐adaptive learning with digital educational games
S Vanbecelaere, K Van den Berghe, F Cornillie, D Sasanguie, ...
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 36 (4), 502-513, 2020
The effects of two digital educational games on cognitive and non-cognitive math and reading outcomes
S Vanbecelaere, K Van den Berghe, F Cornillie, D Sasanguie, ...
Computers & Education 143, 103680, 2020
The effectiveness of an adaptive digital educational game for the training of early numerical abilities in terms of cognitive, noncognitive and efficiency outcomes
S Vanbecelaere, F Cornillie, D Sasanguie, B Reynvoet, F Depaepe
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (1), 112-124, 2021
The effect of adaptivity in digital learning technologies. Modelling learning efficiency using data from an educational game
D Debeer, S Vanbecelaere, W Van Den Noortgate, B Reynvoet, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (5), 1881-1897, 2021
Technology-mediated personalised learning for younger learners: concepts, design, methods and practice
S Vanbecelaere, F Cornillie, F Depaepe, RG Guerrero, M Mavrikis, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference …, 2020
The charm or chasm of digital personalized learning in education: Teachers’ reported use, perceptions and expectations
R Van Schoors, J Elen, A Raes, S Vanbecelaere, F Depaepe
TechTrends 67 (2), 315-330, 2023
Intervention studies in math: A metareview
B Reynvoet, S Vanbecelaere, F Depaepe, D Sasanguie
Heterogeneous contributions to numerical cognition, 283-308, 2021
The effectiveness of Tier 1 digital interventions for early reading: A meta‐analysis
S Vanbecelaere, S Said‐Metwaly, W Van den Noortgate, B Reynvoet, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 54 (5), 1397-1432, 2023
Designing personalised learning support for K12 education: learner control, motivation and psychological ownership
K Rajagopal, R Van Schoors, S Vanbecelaere, L de Bie, F Depaepe
Interaction Design and Architecture (s) Journal-IxD&A 45, 155-176, 2020
The role of the home learning environment on early cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes in math and Reading
S Vanbecelaere, K Matsuyama, B Reynvoet, F Depaepe
Frontiers in Education 6, 746296, 2021
Toward a framework for analyzing adaptive digital games research effectiveness
S Vanbecelaere, F Demedts, B Reynvoet, F Depaepe
International Journal of Serious Games 10 (4), 77-91, 2023
Towards Systemic EdTech Testbeds: A Global Perspective
S Vanbecelaere, T Adam, C Sieber, A Clark-Wilson, K Boody Adorno, ...
Global EdTech Testbeds Network, 2023
Symbolic number ordering strategies and math anxiety
N Dubinkina, F Sella, S Vanbecelaere, B Reynvoet
Cognition and Emotion 37 (3), 439-452, 2023
Evaluating teachers’ perceptions and use of a portal for digital personalised learning: A multiple case study in Flanders
S Vanbecelaere, R Van Schoors, S Bhatt, K Rajagopal, D Debeer, ...
Education and Information Technologies 29 (3), 3389-3422, 2024
The effectiveness of adaptive digital games for learning: calling for a broader view on assessment
S Vanbecelaere, F Demedts, B Reynvoet, F Depaepe
International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance, 269-278, 2022
Intervention studies in math: A discussion
B Reynvoet, S Vanbecelaere, D Sasanguie, F Depaepe
Learning and Education in Numerical Cognition, Date: 2019/06/03-2019/06/04 …, 2019
Primary school teachers meet learning analytics dashboards: from dispositions to situation-specific digital competence in practice
M Mavrikis, E Geraniou, S Vanbecelaere, F Depaepe
HAL Open Science 3, 216-223, 2022
The Systemic EdTech Testbeds Framework
S Vanbecelaere, T Adam, C Sieber, A Clark-Wilson, K Boody Adorno, ...
Global EdTech Testbed Network, 2024
Instructional design and effectiveness of personalized learning environments
F Depaepe, A Fastré, S Vanbecelaere
Toward a framework for analyzing research on the effectiveness of adaptive digital games
S Vanbecelaere, F Demedts, B Reynvoet, F Depaepe
International Journal of Serious Games, 2023
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