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Nature photonics 1 (3), 165-171, 2007
2249 2007 Device-independent security of quantum cryptography against collective attacks A Acín, N Brunner, N Gisin, S Massar, S Pironio, V Scarani
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1871 2007 Security of Quantum Key Distribution Using -Level Systems NJ Cerf, M Bourennane, A Karlsson, N Gisin
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1302 1998 Bell inequalities for arbitrarily high-dimensional systems D Collins, N Gisin, N Linden, S Massar, S Popescu
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1299 2002 Quantum Cryptography Protocols Robust against Photon Number Splitting Attacks<? format?> for Weak Laser Pulse Implementations V Scarani, A Acin, G Ribordy, N Gisin
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1084 2004 The SECOQC quantum key distribution network in Vienna M Peev, C Pacher, R Alléaume, C Barreiro, J Bouda, W Boxleitner, ...
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1059 2009 Bell's inequality holds for all non-product states N Gisin
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