Ryan Grammenos
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Zitiert von
Performance analysis of selective opportunistic spectrum access with traffic prediction
G Yuan, RC Grammenos, Y Yang, W Wang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (4), 1949-1959, 2009
An improved fixed sphere decoder employing soft decision for the detection of non-orthogonal signals
T Xu, RC Grammenos, F Marvasti, I Darwazeh
IEEE Communications Letters 17 (10), 1964-1967, 2013
FPGA design of a truncated SVD based receiver for the detection of SEFDM signals
RC Grammenos, S Isam, I Darwazeh
2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2011
FPGA implementations of real-time detectors for a spectrally efficient FDM system
T Xu, RC Grammenos, I Darwazeh
ICT 2013, 1-5, 2013
Zero padding or cyclic prefix: Evaluation for non-orthogonal signals
W Ozan, R Grammenos, I Darwazeh
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (3), 690-694, 2020
A verification methodology for the detection of spectrally efficient FDM signals generated using reconfigurable hardware
MR Perrett, RC Grammenos, I Darwazeh
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3686-3691, 2012
Hardware implementation of a practical complexity spectrally efficient FDM reconfigurable receiver
RC Grammenos, I Darwazeh
2012 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2012
Performance trade-offs and DSP evaluation of spectrally efficient FDM detection techniques
RC Grammenos, I Darwazeh
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 4781-4786, 2013
Correct equations for minimum noise measure of a microwave transistor amplifier
C Poole, R Grammenos
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 70 (2), 1361-1366, 2021
Infrastructureless UWB based collision avoidance system for the safety of construction workers
M Pittokopiti, R Grammenos
2019 26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 490-495, 2019
Towards artificially intelligent recycling Improving image processing for waste classification
Y Yu, R Grammenos
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.06274, 2021
Peer assessment of individual contribution in group work: a student perspective
R Grammenos, M Garcia Souto, I Chester, L Albelda Gimeno
https://www. sefi. be/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/SEFI2019_Proceedings. pdf …, 2019
Reduced complexity maximum likelihood detector for DFT-s-SEFDM systems
T Wu, R Grammenos
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1-5, 2019
Spectrum optimisation in wireless communication systems: Technology evaluation, system design and practical implementation
RC Grammenos
UCL (University College London), 2013
Evaluation of practical edge computing CNN‐based solutions for intelligent recycling bins
X Li, R Grammenos
IET Smart Cities 5 (3), 194-209, 2023
Selective spectrum sensing and access based on traffic prediction
G Yuan, RC Grammenos, Y Yang, W Wang
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2009
Data analysis and interpretable machine learning for HVAC predictive control: A case-study based implementation
J Mao, R Grammenos, K Karagiannis
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 29 (7), 698-718, 2023
Improving the Deployment of Recycling Classification through Efficient Hyper-Parameter Analysis
M Abdulmahmood, R Grammenos
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.11043, 2021
Interpreting machine learning models for room temperature prediction in non-domestic buildings
J Mao, G Ryan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13760, 2021
Teaching the internet of things: The first three years
R Grammenos, C Poole
2019 26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 265-269, 2019
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