Lisa-Maria Glass
Lisa-Maria Glass
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Governance for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: How important are participation, policy coherence, reflexivity, adaptation and democratic institutions?
LM Glass, J Newig
Earth System Governance 2, 100031, 2019
Two degrees and the SDGs: a network analysis of the interlinkages between transnational climate actions and the Sustainable Development Goals
J Coenen, LM Glass, L Sanderink
Sustainability Science 17 (4), 1489-1510, 2022
MSPs for the SDGs–Assessing the collaborative governance architecture of multi-stakeholder partnerships for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
LM Glass, J Newig, S Ruf
Earth System Governance 17, 100182, 2023
Planetary integrity
LJ Kotzé, RE Kim, P Burdon, L Du Toit, LM Glass, P Kashwan, D Liverman, ...
The political impact of the sustainable development goals: Transforming …, 2022
Resilience and the Sustainable Development Goals: a scrutiny of urban strategies in the 100 Resilient Cities initiative
E Kochskämper, LM Glass, W Haupt, S Malekpour, J Grainger-Brown
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-27, 2024
Sénit, Carole-Anne; Biermann, Frank; Hickmann, Thomas (eds.)," Planetary Integrity", The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through …
LJ Kotzé, RE Kim, P Burdon, L du Toit, LM Glass, P Kashwan, D Liverman, ...
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022
Navigating pathways to sustainability: Assessing governance arrangements in the context of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs
LM Glass
by Medien-und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 2024
Data PhD Lisa-Maria Glass: Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals
LM Glass
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