Mikael Rousson
Mikael Rousson
IMG Arena
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A review of statistical approaches to level set segmentation: integrating color, texture, motion and shape
D Cremers, M Rousson, R Deriche
International journal of computer vision 72, 195-215, 2007
Comparison and evaluation of methods for liver segmentation from CT datasets
T Heimann, B Van Ginneken, MA Styner, Y Arzhaeva, V Aurich, C Bauer, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 28 (8), 1251-1265, 2009
Shape priors for level set representations
M Rousson, N Paragios
Computer Vision—ECCV 2002: 7th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2002
Active unsupervised texture segmentation on a diffusion based feature space
M Rousson, T Brox, R Deriche
2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2003
A variational framework for active and adaptative segmentation of vector valued images
M Rousson, R Deriche
Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, 2002. Proceedings., 56-61, 2002
Statistics on the manifold of multivariate normal distributions: Theory and application to diffusion tensor MRI processing
C Lenglet, M Rousson, R Deriche, O Faugeras
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 25, 423-444, 2006
Predicting breast tumor proliferation from whole-slide images: the TUPAC16 challenge
M Veta, YJ Heng, N Stathonikos, BE Bejnordi, F Beca, T Wollmann, ...
Medical image analysis 54, 111-121, 2019
Non-rigid registration using distance functions
N Paragios, M Rousson, V Ramesh
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 89 (2-3), 142-165, 2003
Automated Selection Of Keeper Images From A Burst Photo Captured Set
B Keating, V Wong, T Sachs, C Molgaard, M Rousson, E Harris, T Justin, ...
US Patent App. 14/021,857, 2015
Identifying dominant and non-dominant images in a burst mode capture
C Mølgaard, M Rousson, VYT Wong, BM Keating, JA Brasket, KC Hsu, ...
US Patent 9,307,112, 2016
Prior knowledge, level set representations & visual grouping
M Rousson, N Paragios
International Journal of Computer Vision 76, 231-243, 2008
Implicit active shape models for 3D segmentation in MR imaging
M Rousson, N Paragios, R Deriche
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2004
Matching distance functions: A shape-to-area variational approach for global-to-local registration
N Paragios, M Rousson, V Ramesh
Computer Vision—ECCV 2002: 7th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2002
Efficient kernel density estimation of shape and intensity priors for level set segmentation
M Rousson, D Cremers
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2005
DTI segmentation by statistical surface evolution
C Lenglet, M Rousson, R Deriche
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 25 (6), 685-700, 2006
Colour, texture, and motion in level set based segmentation and tracking
T Brox, M Rousson, R Deriche, J Weickert
Image and Vision Computing 28 (3), 376-390, 2010
Unsupervised segmentation incorporating colour, texture, and motion
T Brox, M Rousson, R Deriche, J Weickert
International conference on computer analysis of images and patterns, 353-360, 2003
Efficient segmentation of piecewise smooth images
J Piovano, M Rousson, T Papadopoulo
International Conference on scale space and variational methods in Computer …, 2007
Level set and region based surface propagation for diffusion tensor MRI segmentation
M Rousson, C Lenglet, R Deriche
International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Medical and Biomedical …, 2004
Analysis of histopathology images: From traditional machine learning to deep learning
O Jimenez-del-Toro, S Otálora, M Andersson, K Eurén, M Hedlund, ...
Biomedical texture analysis, 281-314, 2017
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