Thanassis Avgerinos
Thanassis Avgerinos
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All you ever wanted to know about dynamic taint analysis and forward symbolic execution (but might have been afraid to ask)
EJ Schwartz, T Avgerinos, D Brumley
2010 IEEE symposium on Security and privacy, 317-331, 2010
Unleashing mayhem on binary code
SK Cha, T Avgerinos, A Rebert, D Brumley
2012 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 380-394, 2012
BAP: A binary analysis platform
D Brumley, I Jager, T Avgerinos, EJ Schwartz
Computer Aided Verification: 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011 …, 2011
Automatic exploit generation
T Avgerinos, SK Cha, A Rebert, EJ Schwartz, M Woo, D Brumley
Communications of the ACM 57 (2), 74-84, 2014
Q: Exploit hardening made easy
EJ Schwartz, T Avgerinos, D Brumley
20th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 11), 2011
Enhancing symbolic execution with veritesting
T Avgerinos, A Rebert, SK Cha, D Brumley
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2014
Optimizing seed selection for fuzzing
A Rebert, SK Cha, T Avgerinos, J Foote, D Warren, G Grieco, D Brumley
23rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 14), 861-875, 2014
TIE: Principled reverse engineering of types in binary programs
JH Lee, T Avgerinos, D Brumley
Carnegie Mellon University, 2011
The mayhem cyber reasoning system
T Avgerinos, D Brumley, J Davis, R Goulden, T Nighswander, A Rebert, ...
IEEE Security & Privacy 16 (2), 52-60, 2018
Methods and Systems for Automatically Testing Software
T Avgerinos, A Rebert, D Brumley, CM University
US Patent 20,150,339,217, 2015
Automated exploit generation
D Brumley, SK Cha, T Avgerinos
US Patent 9,135,405, 2015
Automatic refactoring of Erlang programs
K Sagonas, T Avgerinos
Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Principles and practice of …, 2009
GraphFuzz: library API fuzzing with lifetime-aware dataflow graphs
H Green, T Avgerinos
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2022
Code base partitioning system
A Avgerinos, MH Jakubowski, M Peinado
US Patent 9,208,319, 2015
Cleaning up Erlang code is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it
T Avgerinos, K Sagonas
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on ERLANG, 1-10, 2009
BAP: A binary analysis platform
I Jager, T Avgerinos, E Schwartz, D Brumley
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 2011
Detecting exploitable bugs in binary code
D Brumley, SK Cha, T Avgerinos, A Rebert
US Patent 9,183,396, 2015
Aeg: Automatic exploit generation
HA Thanassis, CS Kil, B David
ser. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 2011
TIE: Principled reverse engineering of types in binary programs.(2011)
JH Lee, T Avgerinos, D Brumley
Proceedings of the NDSS on Network and Distributed System Security Symposium …, 2011
Exploiting Trade-offs in Symbolic Execution for Identifying Security Bugs.
A Avgerinos
Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2014
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Artikel 1–20