Elena Matta
Elena Matta
Postdoctoral researcher and project manager at Politecnico di Milano
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Neurocomputing in surface water hydrology and hydraulics: A review of two decades retrospective, current status and future prospects
M Zounemat-Kermani, E Matta, A Cominola, X Xia, Q Zhang, Q Liang, ...
Journal of Hydrology 588, 125085, 2020
Carrying capacity limits of net cage aquaculture in Brazilian reservoirs
G Gunkel, E Matta, F Selge, GMN Silva, MC Sobral
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais 36, 127-144, 2015
Quantitative assessment of check dam system impacts on catchment flood characteristics–a case in hilly and gully area of the Loess Plateau, China
T Wang, J Hou, P Li, J Zhao, Z Li, E Matta, L Ma, R Hinkelmann
Natural Hazards, 1-19, 2021
Water management and aquatic ecosystem services of a tropical reservoir (Itaparica, São Francisco, Brazil)
G Gunkel, F Selge, J Keitel, D Lima, S Calado, M Sobral, M Rodriguez, ...
Regional Environmental Change 18, 1913-1925, 2018
Simulations of nutrient emissions from a net cage aquaculture system in a Brazilian bay
E Matta, F Selge, G Gunkel, K Rossiter, A Jourieh, R Hinkelmann
Water Science and Technology 73 (10), 2430-2435, 2016
Nutrient load concept-reservoir vs. bay impacts: a case study from a semi-arid watershed
F Selge, E Matta, R Hinkelmann, G Gunkel
Water Science and Technology 74 (7), 1671-1679, 2016
Modeling the impacts of climate extremes and multiple water uses to support water management in the Icó-Mandantes Bay, Northeast Brazil
E Matta, H Koch, F Selge, MN Simshäuser, K Rossiter, GMN da Silva, ...
Journal of Water and Climate Change 10 (4), 893-906, 2019
Numerical simulation of Dissolved Oxygen as a water quality indicator in artificial lagoons—Case study El Gouna, Egypt
O Abouelsaad, E Matta, M Omar, R Hinkelmann
Regional Studies in Marine Science 56, 102697, 2022
Can Machine Learning Improve the Accuracy of Water Level Forecasts for Inland Navigation? Case Study: Rhine River Basin, Germany
Y Ma, E Matta, R Meißner, D., Hinkelmann
38th IAHR World Congress Panama City, Panama, 2019
Three-dimensional modeling of wind-and temperature-induced flows in the Icó-Mandantes Bay, Itaparica Reservoir, NE Brazil
E Matta, F Selge, G Gunkel, R Hinkelmann
Water 9 (10), 772, 2017
Simulation of wind-induced flow and transport in a Brazilian bay
E Matta, I Özgen, R Hinkelmann
Proceedings of ICHE 2014-11th International Conference on Hydroscience …, 2014
AEMON-J/DSOS archive:‘Hacking Limnology’workshop+ virtual summit in data science & open science in aquatic research
M Meyer, R Ladwig, I Oleksy, J Mesman, J Zwart, A Cramer, K Cawley, ...
The AEMON-J “Hacking Limnology” workshop series & virtual summit: Incorporating data science and open science in aquatic research
MF Meyer, R Ladwig, JP Mesman, IA Oleksy, CC Barbosa, KM Cawley, ...
Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 30 (4), 140-143, 2021
Multi-dimensional flow and transport modeling of a surface water body in a semi-arid area: the case of the Icó-Mandantes Bay, Northeast Brazil
E Matta
Technische Universität Berlin, 2018
Evaluating the eutrophication risk of artificial lagoons–case study El Gouna, Egypt
O Abouelsaad, E Matta, R Hinkelmann
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (1), 172, 2023
Hydrodynamic response of artificial lagoons considering tide, wind and tracer—Case study El Gouna, Egypt
O Abouelsaad, E Matta, R Hinkelmann
Regional Studies in Marine Science 52, 102290, 2022
Diagnóstico da qualidade da água ao longo da transposição de um canal de concreto: Um estudo de caso do canal do Sertão Alagoano, Brasil
KWL Rossiter, M Benachour, E Matta, MMQMM Moraia, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais (RBCIAMB), 145-154, 2015
High resolution two-dimensional modeling of flow and transport in Icó-Mandantes bay to support water management
E Matta, H Koch, F Selge, MN Simshäuser, K Rossiter, ...
Submitted to a special issue of Regional Environmental Change, 0
Quantification of exchange processes between a bay and a river using a two-dimensional high-resolution flow and transport model
E Matta, F Selge, G Gunkel, K Rossiter, A Jourieh, R Hinkelmann
17th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication, 1-9, 2015
Water and Climate Change: Water Management in Transboundary River Basins Under Climate Change
E Matta, A Castelletti
Territorial Development and Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Global South: A …, 2022
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