Dr. Himanshu Neema
Dr. Himanshu Neema
Research Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University
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Model-based integration platform for FMI co-simulation and heterogeneous simulations of cyber-physical systems
H Neema, J Gohl, Z Lattmann, J Sztipanovits, G Karsai, S Neema, T Bapty, ...
Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference 96, 235-245, 2014
Rapid synthesis of high-level architecture-based heterogeneous simulation: a model-based integration approach
G Hemingway, H Neema, H Nine, J Sztipanovits, G Karsai
Simulation 88 (2), 217-232, 2012
Simulation of network attacks on SCADA systems
R Chabukswar, B Sinopoli, G Karsai, A Giani, H Neema, A Davis
First Workshop on Secure Control Systems 66, 2010
SURE: A modeling and simulation integration platform for evaluation of secure and resilient cyber–physical systems
X Koutsoukos, G Karsai, A Laszka, H Neema, B Potteiger, P Volgyesi, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (1), 93-112, 2017
C2WT-TE: A model-based open platform for integrated simulations of transactive smart grids
H Neema, J Sztipanovits, M Burns, E Griffor
2016 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems …, 2016
Evaluating resilience of grid load predictions under stealthy adversarial attacks
X Zhou, Y Li, CA Barreto, J Li, P Volgyesi, H Neema, X Koutsoukos
2019 Resilience Week (RWS) 1, 206-212, 2019
Design space exploration and manipulation for cyber physical systems
H Neema, Z Lattmann, P Meijer, J Klingler, S Neema, T Bapty, ...
IFIP First International Workshop on Design Space Exploration of Cyber …, 2014
Simulation integration platforms for cyber-physical systems
H Neema, J Sztipanovits, C Steinbrink, T Raub, B Cornelsen, S Lehnhoff
Proceedings of the Workshop on Design Automation for CPS and IoT, 10-19, 2019
Attacking electricity markets through iot devices
C Barreto, H Neema, X Koutsoukos
Computer 53 (5), 55-62, 2020
NIST Transactive EnergyModeling and Simulation Challenge Phase II Final Report
D Holmberg, M Burns, S Bushby, T McDermott, Y Tang, Q Huang, A Pratt, ...
NIST special publication, 2019
Integrated simulation testbed for security and resilience of cps
H Neema, B Potteiger, X Koutsoukos, G Karsai, P Volgyesi, J Sztipanovits
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 368-374, 2018
The challenges of implementing transactive energy: A comparative analysis of experimental projects
D Lee, DJ Hess, H Neema
The Electricity Journal 33 (10), 106865, 2020
Cyber-physical system development environment for energy applications
T Roth, E Song, M Burns, H Neema, W Emfinger, J Sztipanovits
Energy Sustainability 57595, V001T10A002, 2017
Model based integration and experimentation of information fusion and c2 systems
S Neema, T Bapty, X Koutsoukos, H Neema, J Sztipanovits, G Karsai
2009 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1958-1965, 2009
Evaluating the effects of cyber-attacks on cyber physical systems using a hardware-in-the-loop simulation testbed
B Potteiger, W Emfinger, H Neema, X Koutosukos, CY Tang, K Stouffer
2017 Resilience Week (RWS), 177-183, 2017
A comparative, sociotechnical design perspective on Responsible Innovation: multidisciplinary research and education on digitized energy and Automated Vehicles
DJ Hess, D Lee, B Biebl, M Fränzle, S Lehnhoff, H Neema, J Niehaus, ...
Journal of Responsible Innovation 8 (3), 421-444, 2021
Universal CPS environment for federation (UCEF)
M Burns, T Roth, E Griffor, P Boynton, J Sztipanovits, H Neema
2018 Winter Simulation Innovation Workshop, 2018
Rapid synthesis of multi-model simulations for computational experiments in c2
H Neema, H Nine, G Hemingway, J Sztipanovits, G Karsai
Simulation testbed for railway infrastructure security and resilience evaluation
H Neema, X Koutsoukos, B Potteiger, CY Tang, K Stouffer
Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Hot Topics in the Science of Security, 1-8, 2020
Modeling and optimization of a longitudinally-distributed global solar grid
H Vardhan, NM Sarkar, H Neema
2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 1-6, 2019
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