Anna Sophie Kümpel
Anna Sophie Kümpel
Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich
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News sharing in social media: A review of current research on news sharing users, content, and networks
AS Kümpel, V Karnowski, T Keyling
Social media+ society 1 (2), 2056305115610141, 2015
An agenda for open science in communication
T Dienlin, N Johannes, ND Bowman, PK Masur, S Engesser, AS Kümpel, ...
Journal of Communication 71 (1), 1-26, 2021
From incidental news exposure to news engagement. How perceptions of the news post and news usage patterns influence engagement with news articles encountered on Facebook
V Karnowski, AS Kümpel, L Leonhard, DJ Leiner
Computers in Human Behavior 76, 42-50, 2017
Why users share the news: A theory of reasoned action-based study on the antecedents of news-sharing behavior
V Karnowski, L Leonhard, AS Kümpel
Communication Research Reports 35 (2), 91-100, 2018
The issue takes it all? Incidental news exposure and news engagement on Facebook
AS Kümpel
Digital Journalism 7 (2), 165-186, 2019
The Matthew Effect in social media news use: Assessing inequalities in news exposure and news engagement on social network sites (SNS)
AS Kümpel
Journalism 21 (8), 1083-1098, 2020
Assessing the extent and types of hate speech in fringe communities: A case study of alt-right communities on 8chan, 4chan, and Reddit
D Rieger, AS Kümpel, M Wich, T Kiening, G Groh
Social Media+ Society, 2021
Diffusion of Innovations von Everett M. Rogers (1962)
V Karnowski, AS Kümpel
Schlüsselwerke der Medienwirkungsforschung, 97-107, 2016
Popularity cues in online media: A review of conceptualizations, operationalizations, and general effects
M Haim, AS Kümpel, HB Brosius
Studies in Communication| Media 7 (2), 186-207, 2018
How social media users perceive different forms of online hate speech: A qualitative multi-method study
U Schmid, AS Kümpel, D Rieger
New Media & Society, 2022
Social media information environments and their implications for the uses and effects of news: The PINGS framework
AS Kümpel
Communication Theory 32 (2), 223-242, 2022
Instagram and political campaigning in the 2017 German federal election. A quantitative content analysis of German top politicians’ and parliamentary parties’ posts
J Haßler, AS Kümpel, J Keller
Information, Communication & Society, 2021
Commenting quality. Effects of user comments on perceptions of journalistic quality
AS Kümpel, N Springer
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 5 (3), 353-366, 2016
Implicit and explicit attitudes as predictors of gatekeeping, selective exposure, and news sharing: Testing a general model of media-related selection
F Arendt, N Steindl, A Kümpel
Journal of Communication 66 (5), 717-740, 2016
Online and (the feeling of being) informed: Online news usage patterns and their relation to subjective and objective political knowledge
L Leonhard, V Karnowski, AS Kümpel
Computers in Human Behavior 103, 181-189, 2020
Media literacy and developmental tasks: A case study in Germany
S Pfaff-Rüdiger, C Riesmeyer, A Kümpel
Media Studies 3 (6), 2012
Entertainment motivations and gaming-specific gratifications as antecedents of digital game enjoyment and appreciation.
D Possler, AS Kümpel, J Unkel
Psychology of Popular Media 9 (4), 541, 2020
Nebenbei, mobil und ohne Ziel? Eine Mehrmethodenstudie zu Nachrichtennutzung und-verständnis von jungen Erwachsenen
AS Kümpel
M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 68 (1-2), 11-31, 2020
Wenn Wissen zu Handeln wird: Medienkompetenz aus motivationaler Perspektive
C Riesmeyer, S Pfaff-Rüdiger, A Kümpel
M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 64 (1), 36-55, 2016
User-Generated (Dis)Content. Eine Literatursynopse zur Nutzung der Kommentarfunktion auf Nachrichtensites im Internet
N Springer, AS Kümpel
Journalismus im Internet, 241-271, 2018
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Artikel 1–20